Hinz Sight Volume 11

In This Week’s Newsletter:

Culture Corner: Understanding Lead and Lag Measures in Goal Achievement

Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: “Protecting Your Turf” – Strategic Pricing as an Incumbent

Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP VI)

AI Corner: FAQs on AI Proposal Compliance

Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!

Understanding Lead and Lag Measures in Goal Achievement

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

In the journey towards achieving your goals, it’s helpful to identify both lead and lag measures. Lead measures are proactive actions taken to drive progress, while lag measures are the outcomes or results. By focusing on both, you create a comprehensive strategy for success.

Lead measures: actions within your control that directly influence the outcome; provides a roadmap that allows for real-time adjustments; shapes the future.

Lag measures: metrics that show actual results or achievements; keeps you informed about the overall progress and helps you celebrate milestones; reflects the past.

Balancing both types of measures is essential. Combining the two empowers you to make informed decisions, stay motivated, and steadily progress towards your goals.

“Protecting Your Turf” – Strategic Pricing as an Incumbent

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

For incumbents recompeting for contracts, strategic pricing involves leveraging deep project insights to offer value-based pricing, while avoiding complacency. It is crucial to balance competitive pricing with demonstrating the added value of continued service, considering cost efficiency, customer familiarity, and innovative pricing models to underscore stability and reliability as a provider.

1. Leverage Incumbent Insights: Utilize your in-depth understanding of the project and customer needs to create a pricing strategy that reflects efficiency and added value unique to your incumbency.

2. Balance Competitive Pricing with Value Demonstration: Avoid complacency by offering competitive pricing, but also highlight the stability, reduced risk, and additional value that your continued service provides.

3. Price to Reflect Value, Not Just Costs: Do not rely too heavily on pricing within the existing contract. Emphasize the value you bring as an incumbent, and price in a way that communicates this added value, not just the cost of future service delivery.

NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP VI)

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

SEWP VI is the next iteration in NASA’s highly successful GWAC-IDIQ vehicle which will be multiple awards (212 contracts on SEWP V) across Full/Open-Unrestricted, SBSA, HUBZone Set-Aside, EDWOSB and SDVOSB categories.   Total value is estimated to be $77B.  The Contract Period of Performance is to be a 5-year base contract with 5-year Option Period.  The draft RFP has been out since Sept 2023 and an Industry Day was held in mid-Oct 2023.   SEWP VI has three separate categories:

  • Category A:  Consisting of IT, Communications and Audio Visual (ITC/AV) Solutions where Group A1 is Unrestricted and Group A2 is SBSA.
  • Category B: Consisting of Enterprise-wide ITC/AVS Service Solutions where Group B1 is Unrestricted and Group B2 is SBSA.
  • Category C: Consisting of ITC/AV Program Level Services where Group C1 is SBSA and Group C2 is currently “reserved”.

 This will be a Firm Down-Select acquisition over three phases:

  • Phase One – Certifications and Mandatory Experience (Pass/Fail)
    • Category A experience is documented by a matrix showing solutions against the CLINs for each sub-area with pricing.
    • Mandatory Level of Experience varies by Category B and C and by Large and Small Business categories (SBSA, HUBZone, SDVOSB, EDWOSB) and is documented through a completed Relevant Experience Project (REP) table for each project submitted.
  • Phase Two – Past Performance (Recency and Relevancy (size and content) with different criteria for large and small businesses in each of the 3 Categories.  Includes use of PPQs.
  • Phase Three – Mission Suitability
    • Technical Approach (Subfactor A)
    • Management Approach (Subfactor B)

The final RFP is estimated to be released in February 2024, but we know work is continuing on the final RFP and NASA has not yet committed to a specific date. The current SEWP V contract POP ends in April 2025 and it is estimated that NASA is looking to have contracts awarded by May 2025 according to the SEWP VI website.   

AI Training

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

Hinz tailors AI Training for each unique proposal team by:

  1.  Understanding your proposal process through a comprehensive analysis of your workflow, offering, and differentiators.  Based on this insight, we offer a menu of options for the integration of Gen AI to enhance your specific proposal process.
  2. Using real RFPs as a backdrop.  Based on one of the upcoming RFPs you plan to bid on, the Hinz team will create an outline and tailor all the training so that your proposal team can write a real-time proposal while learning the tool.  This training occurs under the stewardship of our expert Proposal Manager/AI Trainer.

Four to Follow:

2024 and beyond is a target-rich environment for the GOVCON space.  Here are a few more high-value opportunities you should keep your eyes on and decide if you are pursuing as a prime or sub.

  1. Army IT Enterprise Solutions 4 Services (ITES-4S) – this is the next iteration of the Army’s IDIQ-MAC for procuring IT Services.  This is will have both SBSA and Full & Open/Unrestricted awards.  Total value is estimated at $12.1B. RFP release is estimated for Sep 2024 and awards in Sep 2027.  Contract POP is expected to be 9 years.  An Industry Day is also anticipated.
  2. FAA Combined Hardware Software SAVES – this is a follow-on to the current SAVES IT Software and SAVES IT Hardware contracts to supply equipment/supplies, IT hardware and COTS software and IT services as a secondary effort.  RFP is expected Feb/Mar 2024 with contract award estimated to be in Oct 2024.  Value is estimated at $10B with contract POP of 10 years.
  3. NOAA Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Program (ProTech 2.0) Weather Domain – the follow-on to ProTech 1.0 is expected to have a draft RFP released in Feb/Mar 2024 and potential awards made in Nov/Dec 2024.  There are 22 incumbents in this domain and awards are expected to include SBSAs and Full & Open/Unrestricted companies.  Total program value is currently estimated at $8B and contract POP is expected to be a 5-year base with a 5-year option period.  
  4. DHS Program Management Administrative Clerical and Technical Services (PACTS III) – the follow-on to PACTS II which has 39 incumbent contracts.  PACTS III is estimated at $8.4B program value across potential awards to 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB and WOSB companies.  This IDIQ/MAC procurement is expected to have the RFP released in Feb/Mar 2024 with awards in Sep/Oct 2024, but current contracts don’t expire until end of Feb 2025.  

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
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Hinz Consulting is a proposal, capture, and business development consulting firm. We help customers, including Fortune 100 clients, win Government contracts in every market.

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