In This Week’s Newsletter:
- Culture Corner: Takeaways From Our Evening with Capture Experts
- Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: FBI Regional Multiple Award Construction Contracts 2 (RMACC 2)
- AI Corner: Gen AI Can Make a Positive Impact
- Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!
- Event Corner: Upcoming Industry Events

Takeaways From Our Evening with Capture Experts
Contact Angela:
This week, a few Hinzers attended the APMP-NCA Speaker Series event to have dinner with two industry leaders in Capture Management. Gerald Gaskins, a Senior VP and Strategic Capture Executive at Leidos who recently retired while simultaneously holding TWO executive titles shared his storied career journey from the US Marine Corps to the corporate world. Jennifer Namvar, CEO & Founder of The Peerless Group, told us about her quick rise from proposals to capture and her successful transition to running her own consulting business. Together, they led the audience through a deep discussion on the challenges facing Capture Managers and Proposal teams today. Here’s what we learned:
Build a Strategy
- Focus on understanding and speaking the language of business, including strategy and structure.
- Target the right customers and ensure your approach aligns with their needs and expectations.
Do Your Homework
- Spend time studying the market, your competitors, and successful practices.
- Understand the customer’s needs deeply and tailor your proposal to address those needs effectively.
Communicate your Ideas Effectively
- Enhance communication flow up and down the corporate ladder.
- Clearly convey the solution and win themes to your proposal team, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
- Be concise and impactful, focusing on the key points that will resonate with decision-makers.
Lead the Charge
- Take charge of meetings and projects, ensuring timeliness and assignment of duties.
- Provide positive reinforcement and clear guidance to your team, leveraging their strengths and expertise.
Be the Expert
- Position yourself as the expert by understanding the processes between Business Development and Capture.
- Guide your team on how to execute tasks efficiently and effectively, ensuring the proposal is comprehensive and compelling.
For more insights on communicating between your Capture and Proposal teams, be sure to join the next APMP-NCA webinar on September 25th. A panel of industry vets will discuss “Sales Tactics for Proposal Professionals” to give you insights on effective communication amongst all stakeholders.

FBI Regional Multiple Award Construction Contracts 2 (RMACC 2)
Contact Len:
Hey Everyone! The RMACC 2 $600M contract vehicle recompete solicitation is now tentatively scheduled to be released sometime in September. It is anticipated that the maximum value of each task order will be $25M. Expect to see awards for small business, full/open-unrestricted, and partial small business set-sides. Call Hinz Consulting for Proposal Support as we will make you proud!

Gen AI Can Make a Positive Impact
Contact Josh:
Do you know anyone who is dyslexic? Generative AI (Gen AI) isn’t just a technology to super empower proposal professionals and already great writers. Gen AI is also leveling the playing field for people with dyslexia, thereby enabling them to enter and thrive in professions previously barred to them. Here are a few ways Gen AI can make a positive impact:
Efficiency: Gen AI provides real-time suggestions, corrections, and alternative phrasing during the writing process. For dyslexic individuals, this assistance can significantly improve writing efficiency.
Educational Support: Intelligent chatbots based on generative AI, like AI4LA, can help dyslexic students by analyzing conversational data to model their understandings and misconceptions. These chatbots offer personalized educational support.
Assistive Technology: Gen AI can fuel existing assistive technology and robotics, contributing to learning, accommodation, and accessibility solutions for people.
By designing Gen AI with inclusivity and accessibility in mind, companies are creating technology that empowers everyone, including those with dyslexia.

Four to Follow:
- DOE CIO Business Operations Support Services 2 (CBOSS 2): The RFP for this estimated $3.5B recompete was released back on 1 August via GSA eBuy and on 20 August the DOE released a modification stating that they were still finalizing Q&A and were extending the proposal submission date to 17 September. Continue to monitor your eBuy channel diligently if you are responding to this as the Q&A will only be posted to eBuy under GSA MAS 54151S – IT Professional Services.
- USSOCOM Maritime Special Operations Forces Support Services (MSOFS 2.0): The draft RFP for this estimated $399M recompeted of the Small Business Set-Aside/Multiple Award contract was released on 15 August and comments/questions are due NLT 29 August. A Pre-Proposal Conference is to be held on 10 September and offerors must register by 11 am on 29 August. The final RFP is estimated to be released in November but might shift further to the right, but we expect this to be discussed at the Pre-Solicitation Conference.
- New Modern Software Development (MSD) Multiple Award IDIQ: The Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG) released the MSD draft RFP on 16 August and a revision on 17 August. Questions/comments on the draft RFP are due NLT 10 am ET on 6 September. It is expected that there could be a series of updates to the draft RFP before the Industry Day which is expected to be held sometime in the next few months. To that end, we expect a final RFP in mid-October to mid-November. This new MSD contract vehicle is expected to have a value of $10B and potentially no less than 10, and no more than 20 awards will be made. ACC-APG expects to reserve 20% of the IDIQ contract awards for Small Businesses. This is expected to be a phased proposal submission and evaluation approach for this acquisition.
- Energy IDIQ III: According to USAID’s Business Forecast on 19 August, they anticipate releasing the RFP on/about 12 September for the recompete of this estimated $1.49B MA/IDIQ vehicle. Awards are expected across small businesses, full/open-unrestricted, and partial small business set-asides as well.

Industry News & Events
- Aug 27: APMP Military Affinity Group Meeting
- Aug 27-28: AFCEA Intelligence & Nat’l Security Summit
- Sep 03-06: Billington CyberSecurity Summit
- Sep 6: Wash. Tech. Power Breakfast-Doing Business with NASA
About Hinz Consulting
Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:
- Proposal Consulting
- AI Services
- Strategic Pricing
- Training
- Capture
- Competitive Intelligence
- BD Transformation Consulting
- Process/Methodology Consulting
- Tools and Templates
- Production Services
- Small Business