Volume 22

Volume 22

In This Week’s Newsletter: 04/05/24

  • Proposal Perspectives: What positions do you anticipate being the hardest to fill in Capture?
  • AI Corner: Understanding Proposal Management Software vs. Generative AI
  • Culture Corner: APMP Affinity Groups
  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: Charter Airlift Services in Support of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Does Every Bid Need a Formal Pricing Strategy?
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!

What positions do you anticipate being the hardest to fill in Capture?

In this edition of Proposal Perspectives, we sit down with a contributor who wishes to remain anonymous to gain insights into the challenges and opportunities within proposal management. Here’s an excerpt from our interview:

“What positions do you anticipate being the hardest to fill in Capture?”

“I think it is going to be finding qualified solution architects. Finding folks who have skills and experience across a wide birth of technologies that are also on the cutting edge of innovation are hard to find these days.”

– Anonymous, Capture Manager

“If you could fix one problem with the power of AI in proposals, what would it be?”

“Having AI programmed to help with the review process would be interesting. You could train the AI to review based on a set of parameters. It can be difficult to find reviewers due to time constraints.”

– Anonymous, Capture Manager

If you would like to contribute to Proposal Perspectives or share your insights on proposal management, we welcome your participation. Contact us today to become a part of our newsletter and join the conversation on optimizing proposal processes.


Understanding Proposal Management Software vs. Generative AI

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

In the realm of enhancing productivity, both proposal management software and generative AI stand out as valuable tools. However, discerning their functionalities is crucial for selecting the technology that best aligns with your operational needs.

Proposal Management Software:

Proposal management software is tailored to facilitate the creation, editing, and submission of proposals, offering a structured approach to crafting compelling proposals for clients or projects. By centralizing project details, client specifications, and pricing information, this software streamlines the proposal creation process, ensuring consistency and professionalism.

Generative AI:

Generative AI, analyzes extensive datasets to generate innovative ideas, content, and text autonomously. With its ability to produce original concepts without direct human intervention, generative AI finds applications across diverse industries, including marketing, writing, and design.

Hinz established the AI Center of Excellence to provide industry insights on current technology to the entire industry: companies and individuals. The Hinz AI COE has considered over 20 different technology solutions for proposals; and is ready to support your technology initiatives.


APMP Affinity Groups

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

As part of an effort to build community in our industry, APMP (The Association of Proposal Management Professionals) has established Affinity Groups to foster diversity, inclusion, and enhance the membership experience. These groups provide supportive spaces for professionals with shared experiences in life and the industry.

The Culture Corner will spotlight each of these groups over the next few weeks. In the meantime, here’s an overview:

  • Professionals of Color Affinity Group: This group acknowledges the unique experiences of professionals from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. It offers networking opportunities, cultural exchange, and a sense of belonging.
  • Pride Affinity Group: Focused on LGBTQ+ professionals, this group aims to create an environment where members can celebrate their identities, share insights, and contribute to a more inclusive workplace.
  • Mental Health Affinity Group: Recognizing the importance of mental well-being, this group addresses mental health challenges, promotes awareness, and offers resources for coping and resilience.
  • Young Professionals Affinity Group: Geared toward early-career professionals, this group provides mentorship, career development resources, and a supportive community for growth.
  • Military and Veterans Affinity Group: This group celebrates and supports military veterans within the federal contracting industry. It provides a platform for networking, sharing experiences, and building connections.

This year’s Annual Capture Breakfast: “The Next Generation of Capture,” will focus on how to improve processes, use new technologies, and build a pipeline of talent for the field of Capture Management in the 21st century.

NCA’s Annual Capture Breakfast: “The Next Generation of Capture” is your one-stop shop for navigating and conquering the changing capture landscape. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Talk with Industry Experts: Discover how big data is revolutionizing the capture role and how you can leverage it to gain a competitive edge.
  • Discover Cutting-Edge Strategies: Understand how GovCon client needs are evolving and learn to craft more compelling, data-driven narratives that resonate with decision-makers.
  • Network with Peers: Explore how today’s capture ecosystems collaborate and build high-performing sales, capture, and proposal teams.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Learn how technology is transforming the capture industry. Discover the latest tools that can stream your processes and build your teams.


Charter Airlift Services in Support of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

A presolicitation notice was released by the Contracting Office on 26 Mar. RFP is still expected in Apr with a 30 day turn to submission. TRANSCOM expects to award multiple IDIQ contracts starting in Sep 2024 with contracts starting in Oct 2024 for this Six-Year contract (2-year base period with 2, 2-year option periods).


Does Every Bid Need a Formal Pricing Strategy?

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

Deciding on a formal pricing strategy for every bid requires companies to balance consistency and competitive advantage against the need for flexibility and innovation. While a broad strategic framework can guide pricing decisions, tailoring responses to specific opportunities allows for agility and creativity, improving the pWin for competitive procurements.

Three Key Takeaways

1. Strategic Balance: Employing a broad pricing framework provides consistency and competitive advantage, while a formal pricing strategy for critical and strategic responses ensures flexibility and innovation in bids.

2. Risk Management: A structured approach to pricing helps manage financial risks, safeguarding margins and ensuring the sustainability of business operations.

3. Market Responsiveness: Adaptability in pricing strategies enables companies to respond effectively to dynamic market conditions and specific customer needs, enhancing competitiveness and improving pWin.


Four to Follow:

  1. NASA SEWP VI-If you are not following this opportunity, you should be.  This is one of the most used GWACs in the Government.   NASA is holding an Informational Briefing on 2 April, but if you did not get registered, they have already closed registration as they have reached capacity.  However, they will be releasing a recording after the event.  Hopefully we will hear what the acquisition timeline is to be at this briefing.
  2.  CISA Exercise Support Services – The incumbent contracts are expected to expire in Mar 2025.  The RFP is expected to be released in Jul 2024 and awards to occur prior to Mar 2025.  
  3. SOCOM Enterprise Development Application and Training (EDAT)-The recompete for this $550M 8(a) set-aside contract out of SOCOM is expected to be released in Jun 2024 but via the OASIS Small Business Pool and be a FEDSIM acquisition. 
  4. DOJ/FBI Enterprise Telecommunication Information System (ETIS) O&M –  RFI responses from last Aug 2023 have been reviewed and a potential acquisition strategy/schedule is being considered.  Unclear when a draft RFP will be released or on what contract vehicle.About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Volume 21

Volume 21

In This Week’s Newsletter: 03/29/24

  • Proposal Perspectives: What Makes a Great Proposal Team?
  • Culture Corner: Effective Communication Skills
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Striking a Balance – Incorporating “Nice-to-Have” Requirements into Pricing
  • AI Corner: Generative AI Vs. Open-Source Tools
  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: NASA SEWP VI
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!

What Makes a Great Proposal Team?

Welcome to the latest edition of our ‘Proposal Perspectives’ interview series! This week, we dive deeper into the realm of proposal professionals, revealing further insights and best practices from the industry. Below are some key takeaways from our most recent interview:

Q: “What makes a great proposal team?”

A: “Communication and the ability to collaborate. As you get more complex RFPs and things get larger, it is important to be able to break off and work in individual groups efficiently. Especially today with people working remotely.”

Q: “How crucial do you find Pricing and Competitive Intelligence in the proposal process?”

A: “It is usually the deciding factor. Especially with highly competitive bids. When you see very competitive scores technically, price becomes the leading factor. Being able to pull levers and see how your competitors do things is important.”

-Bryant Freeland, Sr. Proposal Manager at Incapsulate (part of Accenture)

As we continue to bring you valuable insights, we’d love to hear from you! If you have expertise, experiences, or perspectives you’d like to share with our newsletter community, we invite you to contribute.

Whether it’s a success story, a lesson learned, or a burning question, your input enriches our collective knowledge and fosters meaningful discussions. Reach out to us to learn more about how you can get involved.


Effective Communication Skills

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

As Bryant Freeland mentioned in this week’s “Proposal Perspectives,” communication and collaboration are key to building great teams. Even if you aren’t the leader, you can foster better communication within your group by practicing these strategies:

  • Purposeful Communication: consider the purpose of each message.
    • State the intent of your message quickly.
    • Identify the outcomes you want to achieve.
    • Describe the process you will use to accomplish your goals.
  • Productive Meetings: meetings should align with clear purposes, too.
    • Identify a leader and only invite necessary attendees.
    • Send/follow the detailed agenda and capture non-agenda issues.
    • Clarify roles and responsibilities of each team member.
  • Open Environment: create a culture where people can share ideas.
    • Regularly seek feedback from team members.
    • Provide constructive criticism to foster growth.
    • Encourage open dialogue and active listening.

Remember, consistent effort and a commitment to effective communication by any person on the team will lead to more cohesion and success. Be the change you want to see!


Striking a Balance – Incorporating “Nice-to-Have” Requirements into Pricing

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

Creating a compelling and successful price proposal hinges on balancing mandatory compliance with incorporating desired or “nice-to-have” requirements. When there are competitors that price only the mandatory requirements, companies need to be creative in how they incorporate additional desired requirements into their pricing.

One of the questions that I am often asked with working with clients is how they should price desired (or “nice-to-have”) requirements when they believe their competitors are only going to price the mandatory requirements. They want to know how they can possibly be competitive in these procurements.

The key is to understand and strategically address both mandatory and desired requirements not only to ensure compliance with the required aspects of the procurement but also to showcase the additional value that can set their proposal apart.


Paid Generative AI Vs. Open Source Tools

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

The advantages of paid generative AI tools over open-source alternatives are extensive and varied. Key benefits include improved security protocols, superior features, and dedicated customer support.

Comparing Tools:

  • Paid AI tools often feature strong encryption for data and algorithms, providing superior protection against unauthorized access.
  • Such tools typically include security measures like intrusion detection systems and firewalls.
  • They generally offer advanced functionalities, including improved natural language processing, customizability, and software integration capabilities.
  • Open-source tools may lack comprehensive documentation and support, which can complicate implementation.
  • Paid Generative AI tools usually provide extensive customer support to address technical issues.
  • Regular updates and maintenance services are typically included with paid tools, keeping them up-to-date and functioning optimally.

In summary, paid Generative AI tools offer benefits like heightened security, sophisticated features, and reliable support, making them a solid investment for those in need of a dependable and efficient AI solution.



Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

Originally, NASA had planned an Informational Briefing on Tuesday, 2nd April, between 1 and 3 pm ET. During this session, we anticipated learning more about the release date of the final RFP, possibly in April. Please standby for further updates. For any assistance needed with NASA SEWP VI, don’t hesitate to reach out to Hinz Consulting.


Four to Follow (including three targeted for Small Businesses):

  1. Missile Defense Agency Integration and Operations for Enterprise Solutions (MIOES): The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) appears to be on track to release the full draft RFP in the Sep/Oct 2024 period.  The incumbent’s contract is scheduled to expire on 8 Aug 2025 so contract award is expected in Jul 2025.  An Industry and potential one-on-one sessions are expected before mid-Nov 2024.  
  2.  TRADOC Operational Core Support Services (OE CORE): The incumbent contract held by Threat TEC-Yorktown JV, LLC is expected to expire in early Aug 2025.  TRADOC released a revised source sought on 19 Mar 2024 and the due date was extended to 9 Apr 2024.  An Advance Planning Briefing to the industry is to occur on 22-25 Apr 2024 and registrations will close by 12 Apr 2025. The final RFP is estimated for release in Feb 2025 and the contract awarded in early Aug 2025.  
  3. HHS National Education Campaign and Outreach Contract (NEC): This $3B recompete of the M/A IDIQ contract is expected to have the final RFP released as early as Aug 2024, about a year before the expiration of the four incumbent’s contracts on 31 Aug 2025.  The incumbent contracts are held by Porter Novelli, Edelman, Omnicom
  4. Air Force Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) JAD2 Umbrella Program: Amendment #5 for Call #3 on this ongoing open Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) was released on 19 Mar 2024 and Concept Papers are now due:  29 Mar 2024, 31 Mar 2025, and 31 Mar 2026.

Find out more about all of these opportunities and more at SAM.gov.

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
FAQs About Ghost Proposals

FAQs About Ghost Proposals

Ghost proposals, also known as unsolicited proposals, can be a valuable tool for vendors seeking to innovate and collaborate with government agencies. Navigating the world of ghost proposals can raise several questions. In this blog, we address some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about ghost proposals in government contracting.

What is a Ghost Proposal?

A ghost proposal is an unsolicited proposal submitted by a vendor to a government agency, offering innovative solutions, products, or services that address agency needs or challenges. Unlike solicited proposals, which are issued in response to specific agency requirements, ghost proposals are initiated by the vendor without a formal request from the agency.

What Are the Benefits of Ghost Proposals?

These proposals offer several benefits, including fostering innovation, addressing unmet agency needs, facilitating collaboration between vendors and agencies, showcasing expertise and capabilities, and expanding market opportunities for vendors.

What Are the Limitations of Ghost Proposals?

While ghost proposals can be advantageous, they also have limitations. For example, there is no guarantee that the agency will accept or act upon a ghost proposal, as agencies typically prioritize solicited proposals that align with their formal procurement processes. Additionally, these proposals may require significant time and resources to develop without a guarantee of success.

How do I Submit a Ghost Proposal?

Submitting a ghost proposal typically involves conducting research to identify agency needs or challenges, developing a tailored solution or concept, and preparing a comprehensive proposal document outlining the proposed solution, benefits, and implementation plan. Vendors should adhere to any agency-specific guidelines or procedures for submitting unsolicited proposals.

What Should I Include in a Ghost Proposal?

A well-prepared ghost proposal should include a clear description of the proposed solution, its benefits and advantages, relevant experience or qualifications of the vendor, a detailed implementation plan, and any supporting documentation or evidence to substantiate the proposal’s feasibility and effectiveness.

What Happens After I Submit a Ghost Proposal?

After submitting a ghost proposal, the agency may review the proposal to determine its potential value and feasibility. If the agency is interested in pursuing the proposal further, they may engage in discussions with the vendor to gather additional information, clarify details, and assess the proposal’s alignment with agency priorities and objectives.


Ghost proposals can be a valuable avenue for vendors to proactively engage with government agencies and present innovative solutions that address agency needs or challenges. By understanding the definition, benefits, limitations, submission process, and key considerations associated with these proposals, vendors can make informed decisions about pursuing this approach in their government contracting efforts. Contact us to learn more!

Volume 20

Volume 20

In This Week’s Newsletter: 03/21/24

  • Proposal Perspectives: Welcome to Our Interview Series
  • AI Corner: Is the Government Going to Allow Us to Use Generative AI?
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Aggressive Pricing vs. Value Differentiation – When to Lean In and When to Pull Back
  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: GSA ALLIANT
  • Culture Corner: Charity’s Place in the Workplace
  • Four To Follow: Get the Lowdown on Four Interesting Pursuits!

Welcome to our interview series “Proposal Perspectives”

We’re excited to kick off our interview series “Proposal Perspectives”, where we dive into the expertise of proposal professionals to uncover invaluable insights and industry best practices. Throughout this series, we will engage with seasoned professionals to explore the strategies, tips, and advice that drive successful proposal endeavors.

To give you a glimpse of what’s in store, here’s a preview from one of our recent interviews:

“What career advice would you give to your younger self?”

– Hinz Consulting

“Be audacious! I feel if I had been more audacious and less fearful of mistakes that naturally come with growing into a new field, I would be farther along. Simply because I would have taken more risks. That is something I try to teach colleagues of mine that are new to the industry.”

– Anonymous (Proposal Manager)

Contribute to Proposal Perspectives

If you’re passionate about proposal management and have insights to share, we invite you to contribute to our newsletter. Join us in shaping Proposal Perspectives by lending your expertise and experiences to our growing community. Reach out to us today to get involved!


Is the government going to allow us to use Generative AI?

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

Customers frequently ask, “Is the government going to allow us to use Generative AI?” Based on government actions and the relentless march of technology, we assess that the answer is likely to be “Yes.” However, the government is unlikely to permit the use of open-source AI or tolerate misrepresentation. When security-minded organizations run your content through software, they may not be looking for AI specifically; they could be looking for the use of open-source AI, which raises security concerns and may also misrepresent a company’s actual capability to deliver a service or product.

Detecting open-source AI content involves leveraging existing technologies. Here are three effective methods that are already on the market:

  1. Chat Log Analysis Tool: A chat log analysis tool is designed to identify patterns indicative of the use of open-source generative AI within chat conversations. By leveraging sophisticated algorithms, it can detect instances where such AI models are being utilized, providing organizations with crucial insights into potential security risks and misrepresentations.
  2. Sentiment Analysis Tool: A sentiment analysis tool allows for the detection of subtle emotional cues within conversations, aiding in the identification of patterns associated with the use of open-source AI. By analyzing the emotional tone of interactions, the tool can unveil indicators hinting at the presence of such AI models, facilitating proactive measures to address potential security risks or misrepresentations.
  3. Machine Learning Algorithm: A machine learning algorithm enables the analysis of language complexity and consistency within chat interactions, providing insights into the likelihood of AI-generated responses. By examining linguistic patterns and structural consistency, the algorithm can discern deviations suggestive of automated or AI-driven communication. This proactive approach aids in identifying potential instances of AI utilization, empowering organizations to maintain transparency and ensure authentic engagement with users.Want to learn more about AI in government Contracting? Contact us today and get up-to-date info from our experts!


Aggressive Pricing vs. Value Differentiation – When to Lean In and When to Pull Back

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

Companies need to strike a balance between leaning in and price aggressively versus pulling back and leveraging value differentiation. Opt for aggressive pricing when holding a clear cost advantage or entering new markets. However, trying to emphasize value differentiation through unique benefits and quantifying your proposition’s value is often more sustainable. Building strong relationships and focusing on the total cost of ownership can insulate against perpetual aggressive pricing, preserving margins while maintaining competitiveness.

Three Key Takeaways

1. Strategic Pricing Balance: Consider aggressive pricing when you have a cost advantage or are entering new markets. Prioritize value differentiation to sustain long-term profitability and competitiveness.

2. Emphasize Value Over Price: Differentiate your offerings by highlighting unique benefits and quantifying the value proposition, steering clear of constant aggressive pricing that can erode profit margins.

3. Build and Leverage Relationships: Cultivate strong relationships with public sector clients and focus on the total cost of ownership (TCO) to build trust and justify your pricing strategy beyond just the initial cost.



Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

Are you prepared for the upcoming recompete of the GSA ALLIANT contract? The General Services Administration (GSA) recently released a video on February 21st, shedding light on the three key areas outlined in the second Draft Request for Proposal (RFP), and unveiled an updated Small Business Emerging Technology Template.

With an estimated final Solicitation potentially hitting the streets as early as early April 2024, this $75 billion Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) offers immense potential for those ready to seize it. Award announcements are expected to follow in February 2025.


Charity’s Place in the Workplace

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

One of the characteristics of Servant Leadership is “building community.” At Hinz Consulting, we do that in our employee groups, industry organizations, and through our Hinz Impact Program. Charity in the workplace is not just a noble gesture; it’s a strategic investment that yields multiple benefits. By integrating philanthropic efforts into our company culture, we create a positive ripple effect that extends beyond our organization. Here’s why it matters:

  • Employee Morale and Purpose: When employees actively participate in charitable activities, they find deeper meaning in their work. Knowing that their efforts contribute to social causes ignites a sense of purpose. This elevated morale translates into increased productivity and loyalty.
  • Team Cohesion and Collaboration: Charitable initiatives provide a unique platform for team building. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter or organizing a fundraising event, coworkers come together outside their usual roles. These shared experiences foster camaraderie, break down silos, and enhance collaboration.
  • Attracting Top Talent: In today’s competitive job market, candidates seek employers whose values align with their own. Companies with robust charity programs stand out. Prospective employees appreciate workplaces that go beyond profits and actively contribute to the community.

In summary, charity isn’t just an add-on; it’s an integral part of a thriving workplace. By fostering a culture of giving, we create a win-win situation: happier Hinzers, a stronger brand, and a better world.


Four to Follow (including three targeted for Small Businesses):

  1. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Engineering Directorates Space Systems Department and Other MSFC  Departments and Offices (ESMSFC)NASA MSFC released a Sources Sought and Draft PWS on 13 March and responses are due NLT 28 March at 4:30 pm CT.  The ESMSFC effort is a recompete of the current $24.5M SBSA / BPA held by Cepeda Systems & Software Analysis.  The Draft RFP is estimated for release in May 2024, the final RFP in Jul 2024 with proposals due in Aug 2024, and the award in Dec 2024. Find more details at the ESMSFC SAM.gov page. 
  2.  CBP Cloud-Based Interview SolutionsThe incumbent contract held by HireVue, Inc., is expected to expire by the end of Sep 2024.  CBP just released a Sources Sought and Draft SOW on 12 Mar 2024 and questions are due NLT 18 Mar 2024.  Responses are due NLT 25 Mar 2024.  The final Solicitation is anticipated to be released in Jun 2024 and proposals are due in Jul 2024 with an award made in Sep 2024.  This is expected to remain a SBSA, single-award IDIQ contract.  Find out more at the acquisition site at SAM.gov
  3. USSOCOM Global System Support Engineering (GSSE)An updated RFI was released on SAM.gov on 27 Feb and the CO released Q&A on 13 Mar.  The estimated cost range for this new contract is $100M to $250M with the RFP anticipated in May 2024 with contract awards in Feb 2025.  The incumbent contracts are held by Sawdey Solution Services, PSI, Cruz Associates, and Belcan.  See the SAM.gov posting.
  4. USCG Information Assurance Risk Management Framework Services (IA RMF)RFI and draft RFP documents were previously released in May 2023 and then initial Q&A was released in Aug 2023.  The incumbent contracts are held by Goldbelt, Alpha Omega Integration, and Invictus International Consulting.  It is expected this will remain an 8(a) Set-Aside and a multiple award IDIQ contract.  USCG is still working through the internal business clearance process, but the earliest the Solicitation might be released is the end of Mar 2024.  SAM.gov

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Volume 19

Volume 19

In This Week’s Newsletter: 03/14/24

  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Pricing Strategies for Highest Technically Rated Offeror (HTRO) Procurements
  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: Contract Field Teams (CFT) Program Labor Augmentation Support Requirements
  • Culture Corner: Building Community
  • AI Corner: APMP Barcelona Overview
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!


Pricing Strategies for Highest Technically Rated Offeror (HTRO) Procurements

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

At the opposite end of the procurement spectrum from “Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA)” is “Highest Technically Rated Offeror (HTRO)”, where the offeror claiming the best performance simply has its price evaluated as reasonable or not. Successful pricing strategies for HTRO procurements balance technical excellence with competitive, transparent pricing.

Bidders must understand evaluation criteria, ensure cost realism, and conduct thorough market and competitive analyses. Value-based, tiered, and dynamic pricing strategies, tailored to highlight technical superiority and market positioning, are key to standing out in the competitive HTRO landscape.


Contract Field Teams (CFT) Program Labor Augmentation Support Requirements

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

The preliminary Request for Proposal (RFP) was unveiled on February 28, accompanied by supplementary RFP attachments on March 6 and 8, enriching the comprehensive scope of the proposal.

Engagement with the Draft RFP, including comments and inquiries, is solicited until March 13, 2024, at 4:00 PM CT, fostering collaborative refinement of the proposal’s framework.

A Pre-Solicitation Conference has been earmarked for March 19, 2024, at 9:00 AM CT, offering an invaluable opportunity for prospective participants to glean deeper insights and elucidate any queries.

Registrations for participation must be completed by March 14, 2024, at 4:00 PM CT, ensuring seamless coordination for the forthcoming stages of the procurement process.

Anticipate the issuance of the Solicitation in the forthcoming months of May/June 2024, signaling the commencement of a transformative endeavor.


Building Community

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

At Hinz Consulting, our award-winning culture is built on a servant leadership framework. Among the standout characteristics is our commitment to “Building Community” — both within our organization and across the industry. One of our initiatives is the continued support for the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP), both on the global level and at the local level with the National Capital Area chapter (APMP-NCA). It is of utmost importance to us that we help foster a sense of belonging, trust, and collaboration among our employees and our peers.

Here are a few examples of how Hinz supports this great network of members:

  • Board of Directors: We currently have two dedicated Hinzers serving on the Board of Directors for APMP-NCA. Their active involvement ensures that our voice is heard and that we contribute to industry excellence.
  • Mentorship Program: Our employees actively participate as mentors in the Mentor Protege Program. By sharing our experience and knowledge, we can foster growth, build relationships, and create a support systems for our peers.
  • Special Events: Hinz Consulting regularly sponsors, volunteers, and presents at APMP events all over the world. Our most recent representative was CEO Len Miller at BPC Barcelona where he spoke on “The Art of Deal Shaping.”

Please join us on Thursday, March 21st for a robust discussion over dinner at the Country Club of Fairfax. Our special guests for the evening are Sarah Shaffer and Eric Gregory! Get details and your tickets at: https://apmpnca.org/event/2024-march-speaker-series/



APMP Barcelona Overview

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

“Competition is the fuel that ignites innovation.” – Simon Sinek

APMP’s annual convention in Barcelona was a fantastic forum for technology companies to showcase capabilities and compete for endorsement from Proposal professionals in the industry. With so many companies in the mix, you might think it’d get confusing, right? No, the large number of technology companies was refreshing, because competition between technology companies accelerates the development of solutions for the end users.

AI Competition Benefits:

  • Competition drives innovation and progress in the business world.
  • Companies are motivated to think outside the box and come up with new solutions to solve customer problems.
  • Industry benefits from new ideas and technologies introduced by competitive forces.
  • Companies must reassess strategies and offerings to meet customer needs and preferences.
  • Competition leads to improvements in efficiency and cost savings.
  • Companies are forced to operate as efficiently as possible to remain competitive.

Overall, competition serves as a powerful motivator for companies to continuously evolve and improve to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced business environment. By encouraging companies to strive for excellence and constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, competition ultimately benefits both companies and consumers alike.


Four to Follow

  1. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Integration & Operations for Enterprise Solutions (MIOES):Per the MIOES Industry Meeting held on March 6, 2024, the Government is on track to release the full Draft RFP in the fall timeframe around September/October 2024. An industry day and one-on-one sessions are planned to be held before Thanksgiving.
  2. FSI Professional Management Training Services:The incumbent contracts held by C2 Technologies and Colleague Consulting are expected to expire by the end of 2024 as they are now in their final option period. The combined value of these two contracts is estimated at $25M and is expected to remain as a Small Bus Set-Aside / Woman Owned Small Business Set Aside via a GSA MAS task order. The final RFQ is expected in August 2024 with a contract award in November 2024. Eligible bidders need to monitor their eBuy notifications.
  3. Comprehensive Construction and Engineering (C2E):Modifications were issued on 6 March to inform the industry that the Solicitation on this $15B contract vehicle is anticipated to be released between March and April 2024.
  4. ECSO Unrestricted Vertical Construction Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC):The solicitation for this estimated $1.5B contract vehicle is currently anticipated to be posted to SAM.gov in late March 2024 under solicitation number W9126G24R0118 (updated for the new fiscal year).

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Volume 18

Volume 18

In This Week’s Newsletter: 03/07/24

  • Culture Corner: Real Results
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Outside Continental U.S. (OCONUS) Travel Pricing
  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: USSOCOM Special Operations Forces Intelligence Support Services III (ISSJ III)
  • AI Corner: Proposal Evaluations & Generative AI
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!

Real Results

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

How do you know that you’re making an impact? Our latest proof came in the form of a beautiful gift basket for one of our Hinzers, Katie Clatterbuck! It’s unusual for a consultant to get that kind of a treat at the end of an assignment. Kudos to both Katie and her client! Check out the LinkedIn post here.

Other ways we see real results:

  • Hinzers often get requested by name
  • Hinzers are asked for additional support from our company
  • Hinzers are engaged in companywide events at a very high rate

Does your company’s culture have that kind of impact?


Outside Continental U.S. (OCONUS) Travel Pricing

Contact Tom: thomas.hudgins@hinzconsulting.com

You are preparing to price a contract and you see requirements for labor, Other Direct Costs (ODCs), Direct Materials (DMs), and Subcontractors (Subks). All good, but in ODCs you see requirements for OCONUS travel. At first thought, you assume that all you need are quotes for airfare, hotel, and per diem, but OCONUS travel brings many additional considerations.

The below is for purely OCONUS locations (not including Alaska, Hawaii, and US Territories and Possessions):

  • Danger pay
  • Hardship pay
  • Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)
  • Housing Allowance (HOLA)
  • Education allowance
  • Additional allowances/costs (non-DoS)

Key Takeaways:

  • OCONUS travel is more than airfare, hotel, and per diem; there are many other considerations, both from DoS and non-DoS
  • Know the DoS Office of Allowances; it contains amounts and other data by location, as well as additional guidance and regulations.
  • Know the # of independents the employee is taking; needed to estimate all applicable costs.


USSOCOM Special Operations Forces Intelligence Support Services III (ISSJ III)

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

SOCOM posted a special notice for Industry Engagement to SAM.gov on 28 Feb 2024 about the recompete of ISSJ called ISSJ III.  USSOCOM is hosting an Industry Engagement Event on 9-12 April 2024 at the Systems Planning and Analysis (SPA) Crown Center Conference Facility at 8211 Terminal Road, Suite 1000, Lorton, VA 22079. Day 1 will be two Information Sessions provided by the Government with Q&A.  Days 2 through 4 (if needed) will be a series of one-on-one sessions between the Government and Companies who intend to Prime and hold the required facility clearances.

It is currently estimated that this could continue to be an SDVOSB set aside with Draft RFPs being released around 26 March 2024 so those are available before the Industry Engagement days.  These are to be posted to SAM.gov.


Proposal Evaluation & Generative AI

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

Public Sector organizations are beginning to show interest in using Generative AI tools for proposal evaluation. The technology has matured to the point in which it can analyze multiple proposal evaluations and generate a summarized consensus review.


  • AI algorithm analyzes various evaluations of a proposal.
  • Identifies common themes, strengths, and weaknesses mentioned by evaluators.
  • Synthesizes this information into a succinct and informative summary.
  • Allows decision-makers to focus on adding value and insights that help win.

By doing so, generative AI can help streamline the decision-making process by providing a clear and concise overview of the key points from multiple evaluations.


Four to Follow:

  1. USSOCOM Global System Support Engineering (GSSE)USSOCOM issued an updated RFI on 27 Feb with responses due 19 March. The estimated RFP release is sometime in April 2024 for this estimated $250M program which is being recompeted. There are two incumbent contractors and a new contract is expected to commence in July 2024.
  2. Contract Field Teams Program Labor Augmentation Support Requirements (CFT) This recompete is expected to occur this spring with the final RFP being released in April. Q&A on draft RFP was released on 28 Feb. Again expecting multiple awards across Unrestricted and partial SBSA with awards occurring in May 2025.
  3. GSA ASCEND BPAThe Industry Day materials were made publicly available on 28 Feb and were posted to both GSA eBuy and SAM.gov. These postings contain the slides and transcript. We still believe the first RFP will be released in the Summer of 2024 with awards in Nov/Dec 2024.
  4. NAVAIR IT Enterprise Engineering Operations and Hosting Support Services NAVAIR provided Q&A to the draft RFP on 22 Feb. The final RFP is still estimated for released before the end of March 2024 for the recompete for this estimated $500M SBSA IDIQ program.

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Volume 17

Volume 17

In This Week’s Newsletter: 02/29/24

  • AI Corner: Generative AI & Consensus Reviews Potential
  • Culture Corner: How to be Human in a Technology-Driven World: Part V
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: On-Demand Strategic Pricing
  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: GSA ASCEND
  • Four Pursuits to Follow!


How Generative AI Could Assist Consensus Reviews in Proposal Evaluations

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

Based on the available sources, the AI tools can simulate a peer review process. This could, in theory, assist consensus reviews in proposal evaluations, if properly managed and regulated.

In the realm of proposal evaluations, incorporating AI tools that can mimic a peer review process may prove to be beneficial, for example:

  • AI can analyze complex data to present insightful conclusions.
  • AI can suggest various improvements based on detailed analysis.
  • AI can thoroughly investigate any potential biases or ethical considerations.

Advanced digital tools powered by artificial intelligence can simulate crucial processes such as peer review. This capacity indicates the potential for AI tools to mirror evaluations that typically require human intellect and perspective, such as proposal assessments or other consensus reviews, where multiple perspectives and critical judgments are often crucial. Using these features can enhance the effectiveness of consensus reviews and allow for a comprehensive, well-rounded, and informed evaluation process.


How to be Human in a Technology Driven World: Part V

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

All month long, we’ve talked about the importance of keeping our humanity as technology develops at a dizzying pace. We can do this by exercising our most human of gifts: empathy, compassion, curiosity, and accountability. One might wonder how accountability helps us connect or improves our performance. A leader who “owns it” tends to more successful for several reasons:

  • Follow-through: A good leader creates a sense of purpose by setting clear goals and following up on expectations. This promotes a culture of responsibility which drives better results and improves overall performance.
  • Trust and Respect: Leaders who take responsibility for their errors with humility and transparency earn the trust of team members and foster continuous improvement.
  • Relationship Building: By facilitating open communication and teamwork, accountable leaders build relationships with their teams. A team equipped with a sense of belonging performs better.
  • Transparency: Transparent leaders share information openly. Whether that’s our monthly Business Metrics meeting like have at Hinz Consulting or postmortems after a bid submission, openness encourages collaboration withing the team.How do you hold yourself, your team, and your leaders accountable?


Why a Company Should Consider On-Demand Strategic Pricing

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

Choosing an on-demand strategic pricing service over an in-house approach can offer similar advantages to other managed services: cost-effective access to specialized expertise, advanced technologies, and flexibility. This enables companies to foster growth and efficiency by focusing on core operations, reducing overheads, and remaining agile in a highly competitive market.

Three Key Takeaways

  1. Expertise and Specialization: Opting for an on-demand strategic pricing service provides companies specialized expertise without the need for in-house hiring. This external support brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in pricing strategies, helping companies navigate complex market dynamics with a focused and specialized approach.
  1. Cost Efficiency and Flexibility: An on-demand strategic pricing service is often more cost-effective for small companies, eliminating the need for extensive investments in technology and personnel. The flexible nature of these services allows businesses to scale up or down based on their evolving needs, ensuring a tailored and cost-efficient solution.
  1. Strategic Focus and Adaptability: By outsourcing strategic pricing, companies can concentrate on their core operations and strategic initiatives. The on-demand service model promotes adaptability, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to market changes and optimize pricing strategies for sustained competitiveness and growth.



Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

GSA ASCEND is to be a multiple-award BPA that U.S. Federal Agencies will use to acquire and implement secure/integrated, commercial cloud services and cloud focused services. This could also include IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and Cloud-related IT professional services.

The BPA is to consist of 3 independent, primary pools/sub-pools meaning individual RFPs will be released per pool:

Pool 1 – IaaS and PaaS with 3 sub-pools covering both unclassified and classified IaaS and PaaS; and Future Government requirements.

Pool 2 – SaaS with 3 sub-pools covering Enterprise Office Productivity, CRM, and Future Government requirements.

Pool 3 – Cloud Professional Services with 2 sub-pools covering application services, app modernization services, Fortran programming language professional services, and future Government requirements.

The Pool 1 draft RFP was released on 20 Dec 2023 and a modification was released on 21 Feb 2024 with responses due 29 Feb 2024. The estimated final RFP could potentially be released summer of 2024, but the Government is still shaping the requirements with both Government stakeholders and the industry. It is also anticipated that RFPs for the 3 pools will be released in phases. Competition will be SBSA, Full & Open/Unrestricted, and Partial SBSAs. Estimated contract awards could potentially occur before the end of 2024. It does appear that Offerors must hold a GSA MAS contract to bid and be awarded a contract under this BPA. Multiple awards are anticipated in each pool.


Four to Follow:

  1. Missile Defense Agency Integration and Operations for Enterprise Solutions (MIOE)SMDA anticipates releasing the RFP for the follow-on to the current IRES contract held by Jacobs Technology, Inc. in early 2025 with a potential award by the end of summer 2025.  Not yet sure if this will again be a single award/unrestricted or if multiple awards will be made for this estimated $4.6B program.
  2.  DOE CIO Business Operations Support Services 2 (C)BOSS 2 This recompete of the CBOSS contract held by Accenture PLC is estimated at a program value of $10B which appears to be based on the incumbent’s contract value of $10B over the five-year POP for the BPA. RFI and Draft SOW were released in Sept 2023 and a potential RFP is estimated to be released in spring of 2024.  However, the incumbent’s contract is set to expire toward the end of Nov 2025, so DOE has a little leeway in the timing of this RFP release.
  3. FAA SAVESThis acquisition is scheduled to be a consolidation of the SAVES IT Hardware and SAVES IT Software contracts which are currently held by 5 incumbents.  We believe the FAA still intends the new effort to be a multiple award contract but not clear on the number of awards and competition type will be yet.  RFP release is potentially expected in spring of 2024 with potential awards in fall of 2024. Based on the latest RFI/Sources Sought, contract ceilings are estimated to be between $5B to $10B.
  4. NGA PORTICOThe National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) released the PORTICO RFI on 16 Feb and responses are due NLT 5 pm on 5 Mar.  This effort is envisioned to provide technical expertise and services to maintain, develop, implement, sustain, and modernize software that supports mission-essential NGA capabilities. It is anticipated that NGA will award MA/IDIQ contracts but the number of awards is not yet known.  POP is expected to be 5-years.  We should potentially expect an RFP in the early summer of 2024 and it to be released on the NRO Acquisition Resource Center (ARC) site.  

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Volume 16

Volume 16

In This Week’s Newsletter: 02/23/24

  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: ITES-4S Update
  • AI Corner: AI & Public Sectors
  • Culture Corner: How to be Human in a Technology Driven World Part IV: Curiosity
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Should We Bid FFP or CPFF?
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!


ITES-4S Update

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

Embark on the next chapter after the triumph of ITES-3! The Army’s PEO/EIS/CHESS is gearing up for ITES-4S, building on 135 successful contracts. With an estimated $12.1B acquisition, this recompete will be open for both large and small businesses. CHESS recently released an RFI questionnaire and responses are due NLT 2 March. CHESS conducted an Industry Virtual Roundtable on 13 Feb.

The draft RFP is not anticipated to be released sometime this Summer with the Final RFP potentially being released in the Fall of 2024. Keep in mind that the contract awards are estimated for Sept 2027, as that is because incumbent contracts are set to expire on 27 Sept 2027. This may give the Government some leeway on when the final RFP is released.


Generative AI use by the Public Sector is right around the corner

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

The integration of generative AI into public sector procurement processes will introduce a level of automation that will simplify and streamline the creation of complex documents. These documents, such as Requests for Proposals (RFPs), are foundational pieces to the procurement process and require considerable amounts of time and expertise to formulate correctly.

RFPs contain highly specific information about the products or services a public sector entity is seeking. They outline the bidding process, lay down rules for proposal submission, define selection criteria, technical specifications, contractual terms, and other mandatory requirements. Because of their complexity, RFPs are prone to errors or oversights if not carefully prepared.

Benefits of Generative AI in the Procurement Process:

  • Generative AI can automate the preparation process for requests for proposals (RFPs)
  • AI can ensure accurate inclusion of required components to avoid errors or oversights
  • Machine learning can be leveraged to continuously improve the RFP generation process
  • AI can learn from past documents to make future RFPs more precise and effective


How to be Human in a Technological World: Part IV

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

What does he have in common with the likes of Oprah, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos? They are all known for their curious nature and have used that trait to inspire teams and drive change. Curiosity or the desire to learn, explore, and understand new things, can help leaders foster a culture of innovation and growth within their organizations.

Since curious leaders are more open to feedback and new perspectives, they can adapt quickly to change and find more creative solutions. They easily build trust and relationships with stakeholders due to their natural interest in other people’s experiences (remember our old friend “empathy”?). Leaders like this tend to be likable and optimistic which inspires teams to perform better.

Curious Questions to Ask:

  • What’s your take on this subject? I’d love to hear your perspective.
  • In your view, what are the pros and cons of this issue? Let’s compare our lists.
  • How did you come up with that idea? I’m interested in how you thought of it.


“Should We Bid FFP or CPFF?” – A Strategic Pricing Conundrum

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

For companies, choosing between Firm Fixed Price (FFP) and Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) pricing, when given the option in a public sector procurement, hinges on project scope, risk allocation, and market dynamics. While FFP offers potential performance incentives for the company and cost predictability for the government, CPFF allows much more flexibility for complex projects. Strategic assessment of project needs and market conditions will help inform the right decision.

Three Key Takeaways

1. Project Scope and Complexity: The choice between FFP and CPFF pricing should be guided by the project’s well-defined scope and complexity. FFP is typically better suited for projects with well-defined requirements deliverables, while CPFF is preferable for projects with uncertain or evolving scopes.

2. Risk Management and Budgetary Implications: FFP will transfer cost overrun risks to companies, promoting budget certainty for the government and performance incentives to underrun the projected costs. The CPFF option offers flexibility with the risk of potential budget overruns, requiring robust oversight.

3. Strategic Fit and Market Conditions: The selection between FFP and CPFF must consider the strategic alignment with project goals and the prevailing market conditions, ensuring the chosen pricing type fosters efficiency, quality, and innovation within the procurement process.


Four to Follow:

  1. Navy SeaPort NxG Rolling Admissions 2-The Naval Sea Systems Command is planning to release an RFP for the 2nd Rolling Admission to the SeaPort NxG IDIQ contract. This RFP is expected to be released sometime in March 2024 with awards being made in August 2024.
  2.  OUSD (I&S) Technical Administrative and Professional Support Services-This potential $1B program is a recompete/consolidation of the current IDIQ and Task Orders currently being performed by 11 incumbents. The Sources Sought Notice was released back in December and the follow-on requirement is in the market research and acquisition planning phase. Appears this will be a consolidation of several contracts/task orders and several planned awards on the IDIQ are not yet disclosed. RFP is expected in late March and awards in September. Appears to be for small businesses but the competition type is also undetermined at this point.
  3. DHS Regional Multiple Award Construction Contracts III (RMACC III)-This DHS MA/IDIQ is estimated at $1.3B program value and is to be awarded across 8(a), HUBZone, and SDVOSB categories for a base year plus 6, 1-year option periods. This is a recompete of the existing 93 contracts with some expiring in mid-2025 and others in fall of 2026. RFP is expected in Feb 2025 and contract awards are expected in Mar 2026. Awards are to be made across ten regions with the CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. territories.
  4. Veteran and Family Member Programs Claims Processing Service and Centralized Authorizations for Emergency Care Contract-The VA has an ongoing requirement for Claims Processing, Customer Services, and Centralized Authorizations for Emergency Care. This is a potential recompete of the existing $550M contract with Signature Choice. It is believed this effort is final planning and an RFP could be released in Mar 2024 and awards could potentially occur in July 2024 given the incumbent contract is currently set to expire in May 2024. The existing contract is SDVOSB but it is unknown what competition type any follow-on will be at this point.

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Why a Competitive Price Range can be More Beneficial Than a Single Target Price

Why a Competitive Price Range can be More Beneficial Than a Single Target Price

The primary objective of a price-to-win (PTW) analysis in public sector procurements is to identify a price point that not only wins contracts, but also aligns with a company’s business and financial goals. While the straightforward approach of setting a single target price might seem logical, creating a competitive price range often proves to be more effective and strategic. 

Maximizing Flexibility and a Competitive Edge

Public sector procurements can be complex, with varying requirements, budgets, and competitive dynamics. One of the most common evaluation models is “best value tradeoff (BVTO)” in which the evaluation states the winner may not be the company with the lowest price. A PTW analysis with a single target price can be too rigid in such environments, leaving little room for adaptation to the competitive environment or the customer evaluation model. A competitive price range offers flexibility, allowing companies to adjust pricing based on shifting factors, such as new cost information or evolving project scope. This adaptability is crucial in a sector where predictability can be challenging.

Mitigating Risk and Protecting Margin 

Relying on a single target price in PTW analyses can be risky. Setting the price too low may lead to winning contracts that are unprofitable, while setting it too high could mean losing out to competitors. A competitive price range mitigates these risks by providing a lower bound that attracts bids and an upper bound that preserves profitability. This approach protects profit margins while allowing companies to remain competitive.

Accommodating Variability in Cost Structures

Public sector procurements often involve complex cost structures, including direct costs, indirect costs, overheads, and profit margins. Changes to each cost inputs can potentially drive large swings in the total evaluated price. A single target price can overlook these nuances, potentially leading to pricing that doesn’t cover all costs. A competitive price range accounts for variability in cost structures, enabling companies to set prices that reflect actual expenses and maintain a sustainable business model.

Enhancing Negotiation Opportunities

For those public sector customers that may allow price negotiations as part of their evaluation, a competitive price range can aid in determining the negotiation range. It provides a spectrum of prices that enable both sides to find a mutually beneficial price point. This flexibility can lead to more successful outcomes, as customers feel that their budget constraints and specific requirements are being considered. It also fosters stronger relationships, as it shows a collaborative approach.

While a single price might seem like a simple solution with conducting a PTW analysis, a competitive price range provides flexibility, risk mitigation, and enhanced negotiation opportunities. By adopting a price range when conducting a PTW exercise, companies can navigate the complexities of public sector procurement with greater agility, ensuring that their bids are competitive, profitable, and responsive to customer needs. This approach ultimately leads to more successful outcomes and stronger customer relationships. Contact us to learn more!

The Benefits of Ghost Proposals

The Benefits of Ghost Proposals

Ghost proposals, or unsolicited proposals, are a valuable tool in government contracting that can bring significant benefits to both vendors and government agencies. In this blog, we explore the advantages of ghost proposals, highlighting their role in fostering innovation, addressing unmet agency needs, and facilitating collaboration between vendors and agencies.

Fostering Innovation:

One of the primary benefits of ghost proposals is their ability to foster innovation within government agencies. By allowing vendors to proactively present new ideas, technologies, and solutions, these proposals provide agencies with access to innovative approaches that may not have been considered through traditional procurement channels. This fosters a culture of innovation and encourages agencies to explore novel solutions to complex challenges.

Addressing Unmet Agency Needs:

Ghost proposals also offer a unique opportunity to address unmet needs within government agencies. Vendors can use these proposals to identify and address specific challenges or requirements that may not have been formally solicited by the agency. This allows agencies to benefit from tailored solutions that directly address their needs, leading to improved efficiency, effectiveness, and outcomes.

Facilitating Collaboration:

Another key benefit of ghost proposals is their ability to facilitate collaboration between vendors and government agencies. By proactively engaging with agencies and presenting innovative solutions, vendors can establish partnerships that extend beyond individual procurement opportunities. This collaboration can lead to long-term relationships built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to achieving agency objectives.

Showcasing Expertise and Capabilities:

Ghost proposals provide vendors with a platform to showcase their expertise, capabilities, and track record of success. By presenting innovative solutions tailored to agency needs, vendors can demonstrate their understanding of the agency’s mission, objectives, and challenges. This helps build credibility and trust with government agencies, positioning vendors as trusted partners capable of delivering value-added solutions.

Expanding Market Opportunities:

For vendors, these proposals present an opportunity to expand their market opportunities and reach new customers. By proactively engaging with government agencies and presenting innovative solutions, vendors can differentiate themselves from competitors and establish a reputation for thought leadership and innovation. This can open doors to new business opportunities and help vendors grow their presence in the government contracting market.


Ghost proposals offer numerous benefits for both vendors and government agencies in the realm of government contracting. From fostering innovation and addressing unmet agency needs to facilitating collaboration and expanding market opportunities, ghost proposals play a vital role in driving positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved. By leveraging these proposals, vendors and agencies can work together to achieve their respective goals and objectives effectively. Contact us to learn more!