Volume 16

Volume 16

In This Week’s Newsletter: 02/23/24

  • Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: ITES-4S Update
  • AI Corner: AI & Public Sectors
  • Culture Corner: How to be Human in a Technology Driven World Part IV: Curiosity
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Should We Bid FFP or CPFF?
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!


ITES-4S Update

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

Embark on the next chapter after the triumph of ITES-3! The Army’s PEO/EIS/CHESS is gearing up for ITES-4S, building on 135 successful contracts. With an estimated $12.1B acquisition, this recompete will be open for both large and small businesses. CHESS recently released an RFI questionnaire and responses are due NLT 2 March. CHESS conducted an Industry Virtual Roundtable on 13 Feb.

The draft RFP is not anticipated to be released sometime this Summer with the Final RFP potentially being released in the Fall of 2024. Keep in mind that the contract awards are estimated for Sept 2027, as that is because incumbent contracts are set to expire on 27 Sept 2027. This may give the Government some leeway on when the final RFP is released.


Generative AI use by the Public Sector is right around the corner

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

The integration of generative AI into public sector procurement processes will introduce a level of automation that will simplify and streamline the creation of complex documents. These documents, such as Requests for Proposals (RFPs), are foundational pieces to the procurement process and require considerable amounts of time and expertise to formulate correctly.

RFPs contain highly specific information about the products or services a public sector entity is seeking. They outline the bidding process, lay down rules for proposal submission, define selection criteria, technical specifications, contractual terms, and other mandatory requirements. Because of their complexity, RFPs are prone to errors or oversights if not carefully prepared.

Benefits of Generative AI in the Procurement Process:

  • Generative AI can automate the preparation process for requests for proposals (RFPs)
  • AI can ensure accurate inclusion of required components to avoid errors or oversights
  • Machine learning can be leveraged to continuously improve the RFP generation process
  • AI can learn from past documents to make future RFPs more precise and effective


How to be Human in a Technological World: Part IV

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

What does he have in common with the likes of Oprah, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos? They are all known for their curious nature and have used that trait to inspire teams and drive change. Curiosity or the desire to learn, explore, and understand new things, can help leaders foster a culture of innovation and growth within their organizations.

Since curious leaders are more open to feedback and new perspectives, they can adapt quickly to change and find more creative solutions. They easily build trust and relationships with stakeholders due to their natural interest in other people’s experiences (remember our old friend “empathy”?). Leaders like this tend to be likable and optimistic which inspires teams to perform better.

Curious Questions to Ask:

  • What’s your take on this subject? I’d love to hear your perspective.
  • In your view, what are the pros and cons of this issue? Let’s compare our lists.
  • How did you come up with that idea? I’m interested in how you thought of it.


“Should We Bid FFP or CPFF?” – A Strategic Pricing Conundrum

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

For companies, choosing between Firm Fixed Price (FFP) and Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) pricing, when given the option in a public sector procurement, hinges on project scope, risk allocation, and market dynamics. While FFP offers potential performance incentives for the company and cost predictability for the government, CPFF allows much more flexibility for complex projects. Strategic assessment of project needs and market conditions will help inform the right decision.

Three Key Takeaways

1. Project Scope and Complexity: The choice between FFP and CPFF pricing should be guided by the project’s well-defined scope and complexity. FFP is typically better suited for projects with well-defined requirements deliverables, while CPFF is preferable for projects with uncertain or evolving scopes.

2. Risk Management and Budgetary Implications: FFP will transfer cost overrun risks to companies, promoting budget certainty for the government and performance incentives to underrun the projected costs. The CPFF option offers flexibility with the risk of potential budget overruns, requiring robust oversight.

3. Strategic Fit and Market Conditions: The selection between FFP and CPFF must consider the strategic alignment with project goals and the prevailing market conditions, ensuring the chosen pricing type fosters efficiency, quality, and innovation within the procurement process.


Four to Follow:

  1. Navy SeaPort NxG Rolling Admissions 2-The Naval Sea Systems Command is planning to release an RFP for the 2nd Rolling Admission to the SeaPort NxG IDIQ contract. This RFP is expected to be released sometime in March 2024 with awards being made in August 2024.
  2.  OUSD (I&S) Technical Administrative and Professional Support Services-This potential $1B program is a recompete/consolidation of the current IDIQ and Task Orders currently being performed by 11 incumbents. The Sources Sought Notice was released back in December and the follow-on requirement is in the market research and acquisition planning phase. Appears this will be a consolidation of several contracts/task orders and several planned awards on the IDIQ are not yet disclosed. RFP is expected in late March and awards in September. Appears to be for small businesses but the competition type is also undetermined at this point.
  3. DHS Regional Multiple Award Construction Contracts III (RMACC III)-This DHS MA/IDIQ is estimated at $1.3B program value and is to be awarded across 8(a), HUBZone, and SDVOSB categories for a base year plus 6, 1-year option periods. This is a recompete of the existing 93 contracts with some expiring in mid-2025 and others in fall of 2026. RFP is expected in Feb 2025 and contract awards are expected in Mar 2026. Awards are to be made across ten regions with the CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. territories.
  4. Veteran and Family Member Programs Claims Processing Service and Centralized Authorizations for Emergency Care Contract-The VA has an ongoing requirement for Claims Processing, Customer Services, and Centralized Authorizations for Emergency Care. This is a potential recompete of the existing $550M contract with Signature Choice. It is believed this effort is final planning and an RFP could be released in Mar 2024 and awards could potentially occur in July 2024 given the incumbent contract is currently set to expire in May 2024. The existing contract is SDVOSB but it is unknown what competition type any follow-on will be at this point.

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Volume 15

Volume 15

In This Week’s Newsletter: 02/16/2024

AI Corner: Five Central Points for AI in the Proposal Process

Culture Corner: How to be Human in a Technology-Driven World: Part III

Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: DHS Program Management Administrative Clerical and Technical Services (PACTS III)

Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Incorporating Risk Management in Your Strategic Pricing

Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!


Five Central Points for AI In the Proposal Process

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

Generative AI can create content for a proposal quickly to save time and enable higher quality. However, content generation for pink team drafts is just the start of AI’s full potential! Companies should reconsider their entire proposal process to fully unlock the power of their AI investment. Hinz AI Center of Excellence has identified five central points to use AI in the proposal process, resulting in streamlined processes for time savings and higher quality.

Process Automation – streamline the proposal development process as AI automates repetitive steps and generates consistent formatting.

Quality Check – use the power of AI to reduce errors and enhance the overall writing quality of proposals.

Content Generation – AI technology can personalize content based on previous proposals, making them more compelling and competitive.

Research Assistant – Generative AI tools do the research to find appropriate documents and generative content tailored to the specific bid and audience.

Past Performance – Allows AI to automate the creation of proposals by generating content based on structured templates and previous successful proposals.


How to be Human in a Technology-Driven World: Part III

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

Compassion is a fundamental aspect of human understanding and is essential in our technological world. It is defined as the ability to recognize the distress of others and acting to alleviate or lessen that suffering. Compassion takes empathy to another level and fosters positive relationships, social harmony, and collective well-being, all of which are critical to success in the workplace.

How to be more compassionate at work:

  • Practice self-compassion – When we are kind and forgiving to ourselves over challenges or mistakes, we become better able to do so with others.
  • Communicate effectively – Strive for clear outcomes and true understanding so that your messages are fully received.
  • Offer support – Freely give assistance to those who are struggling with assignments.
  • Express gratitude – Show sincere appreciation for the contributions of others.
  • Take accountability – A proper apology when you are wrong allows others to feel safe coming to you with mistakes sooner.


DHS Program Management Administrative Clerical and Technical Services (PACTS III)

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

The final RFPs (one for each of the 3 Functional Categories (FC)) were released on 5 Feb. The 3 FCs are:

FC1: Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services: NACIS Code 541611, size standard $24.5M

FC2: Office Administrative Services: NAICS Code 561110, size standard $12.5M

FC3: Engineering Services: NAICS Code 541330, size standard $25.5M

PACTS III is estimated at $8.4B program value across potential awards to 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB, and WOSB companies. Contracts are expected to have a 10-year POP. Proposals are to be evaluated using the Self-Scoring Sheet methodology that is similar to many other GWAC IDIQ procurements to which the industry has responded. For PACTS III, the best value basis for awards will be determined by the Highest Technically Rated Offerors with a Fair and Reasonable Price (HTRO-FRP). DHS intends to award approximately eight (8) contracts for each of the four (4) socioeconomic tracks within each Functional Category as described in FAR Provision 52.216-27 of this solicitation. Of the eight (8) awards, the DHS intends on awarding two (2) contracts to Prime Contractors and two (2) to each of the different types of SBTAs: JVs, Prime/Subcontractor(s), and Mentor Protégé. To be considered as an HTRO-FRP Offeror, the proposal must score amongst the highest-rated offers received from the same offeror type for the track within the Functional Category.

Questions are due NLT 5pm ET on 14 Feb and proposals are due NLT 5 pm ET on 29 Mar.

Reach out to Hinz Consulting for support in putting together your PACTS III proposal and having independent/objective experts to help validate your self-scoring and also perform an objective review.


Incorporating Risk Management in Your Strategic Pricing

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

Integrating risk management into a company’s strategic pricing program is critical. It ensures pricing strategies are resilient, adaptable, and transparent, safeguarding profitability against the sector’s unique risks such as regulatory changes and budget fluctuations, thereby enhancing the company’s competitiveness and value proposition to clients.

Three Key Takeaways

1. Systematic Risk Identification and Assessment: Companies must systematically identify and assess potential risks specific to public sector engagements, including regulatory, budgetary, and competitive risks, to inform their strategic pricing decisions.

2. Development and Implementation of Mitigation Strategies: Effective risk management involves developing and implementing targeted mitigation strategies, such as cost contingency planning and flexible pricing models, to ensure pricing strategies remain robust in the face of uncertainties.

3. Continuous Monitoring and Integration into Decision-Making: Ongoing monitoring of the risk landscape and the integration of risk management into the strategic decision-making process are essential for maintaining competitive and resilient pricing strategies in the dynamic public sector market.


Four to Follow:

  1. Chemicals, Packaged Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants (CHEMPOL): This re-compete is the current contract held by SAIC and is estimated to have the final RFP released in late Feb or Mar. The draft RFP was released in Nov 2023 and the DLA Aviation released Q&A on 2 Feb. This estimated $1.7B IDIQ contract is currently shown as a potential SBSA competition. With the current contract expiring Oct 2026, DLA Aviation still has some time to finalize the final RFP, giving small businesses plenty of time to work on their proposals and time to run through the evaluations of proposals, and award the new contract before the current contract explanation and provide a good transition-in period.
  2. Consequence Management Support Center (CoMSupCen):The National Guard Bureau (NGB) released a revised draft RFP in Nov 2023 also with an initial Q&A. This re-compete contract has two incumbents: Global Asset Technologies and Arcticom. This is an 8(a) Set-aside, Agency-IDIQ with a 10-year ordering period, with a program value of $919M. The current contracts are scheduled to end in Sept and Dec 2024, so it is estimated the final RFP could be released in late Feb to Mar 2024 with awards being made in late Aug 2024.
  3. IT Enterprise Engineering Operations and Hosting Support Services:This NAVAIR SBSA contract has two incumbents: Resource Management Concepts and SMX (Smartronix) with total combined values greater than $258M. The new contract program value is estimated to be >$500M. Draft RFP was released in Dec 2023 and the final RFP is estimated to be released in Mar 2024. Expect bridge contracts to occur given the current expiration of SMX’s contract is Mar 2024.
  4. IT Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance Services:HUD has an ongoing requirement for IT infrastructure operations and maintenance and this new effort is supposedly going to be a consolidation of the existing 8 incumbent contracts (Leidos – 2 contracts, Artic Information Technology – 2 contracts, Peraton – 2 contracts, Pyramid Systems, and Koniag Management Solutions). The re-compete for this effort is still in the planning stages and it is not yet clear what HUD intends to do. An RFI was released back in Jul 2023 and responses were collected in Aug 2023. Stay tuned for future updates…

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Hinz Sight Volume 14

Hinz Sight Volume 14

In This Week’s Newsletter: 02/08/24

Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Cost optimization

Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: DAFSTS II

AI Corner: Impacts of Biden’s Executive Order on AI

Culture Corner: How to Be Human in a Technology Driven World: Part II

Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!


Cost Optimization

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

Cost optimization is crucial in strategic pricing, enabling competitive positioning, maximizing profit margins, and supporting value-based pricing. It ensures companies remain agile, responsive to market changes, and sustainable in the long run by facilitating informed decisions, enhancing customer value, and mitigating financial risks through efficient resource allocation and cost management.

Three Key Takeaways

Enables Competitive and Flexible Pricing: Cost optimization provides the foundation for competitive pricing strategies, allowing companies to adjust prices flexibly in response to market demands and competitor actions while maintaining profitability.

Supports Value-Based Pricing: By minimizing unnecessary costs, companies can invest in quality and innovation, enhancing the perceived value of their offerings and justifying premium prices based on customer value rather than just cost-plus calculations.

Drives Strategic Decision-Making: Effective cost management is critical for making informed strategic pricing decisions, helping companies stay agile and responsive to changing market conditions, thereby ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.



Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

Prepare for the next chapter after the triumph of the Air Force Strategic Transformation Support (AFSTS) program! The Air Force’s Office of Business Transformation (SAF/MG) is gearing up for Defense Air Force Strategic Transformation Support II (DAFSTS II), building on 8 successful incumbent contracts. With an estimated $3-5B acquisition and a potential RFP release in Feb 2024, this MA/IDIQ offers a range of opportunities.

Anticipate a 5-year POP and again multiple awards at the full and open/unrestricted category! 


Thinking Ahead – Impacts of Biden’s Executive Order on AI

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

The Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence was signed by President Biden on October 30, 2023. This EO mandates a commitment to safety, security, and trust in AI development. For businesses, this could imply building a generative AI domain, assisting them in meeting regulatory requirements involved in government proposal procedures.

As Government agencies and departments build regulations, the following impacts on proposal submissions are likely:

  • The Agency will run the proposal through software to identify if open-source AI was used thereby exposing the Government requirements and your solution to foreign espionage, which will disqualify the submission or result in long-standing restrictions.
  • Companies must declare their email domain (which most already have), the Knowledge Management System, and the generative AI service they use to securely store and develop content when dealing with the Government.
  • The Agency will run the proposal through AI software to determine if the products and services outlined in the proposal match the capabilities of the company and designated sub-vendors. A mismatch will be akin to plagiarism and likely disqualify the bid.


How to be Human in a Technology-Driven World: Part II

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

Empathy is a powerful tool in the workplace. It helps us communicate effectively, foster strong relationships, and think outside the box when problem-solving. As we strive to balance technology and our human needs, it’s imperative to consciously practice being empathetic. Did you know that you can actually improve these skills? Here are a few ways to boost your emotional intelligence:

  • Request feedback: this will help you understand how you are perceived and increase your self-awareness.
  • Learn more: videos, podcasts, eBooks, audiobooks, and good old-fashioned books in print abound on the topics of empathy and emotional intelligence. Try this pick from the Hinz Leadership Library for a start! Empathy: Why it Matters and How to Get It
  • Actively listen: allow an almost uncomfortable pause when in a conversation to give yourself time to process what’s been said. We often move onto our own response before the incoming message is fully received.
  • Practice meditation: it may be the most human thing we can do to stay grounded and develop kindness to others.


Four to Follow:

2024 and beyond is a target-rich environment for the GOVCON space.  Here are a few more high-value opportunities you should keep your eyes on and decide if you are pursuing as a prime or sub.

  • 1-3. Design Build DB Services Eastern/Western/& Central Region – the VA has a requirement for expert design-build (DB) providers for their major and minor construction projects and non-recurring maintenance programs for these regions.  They estimate RFP release sometime in March 2024 with potential Multiple Award/IDIQ (MA/IDIQ) awards late this summer.  The total program value is estimated at $3B.
  • 4. Vertical Construction MATOC ECSO Unrestricted – this potential $1.5B MA/IDIQ for the Army Corps of Engineers Ft. Worth District is planned to have a 7-year base performance period.  RFP is estimated for release by mid-Feb 2024 with awards occurring late summer. 

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Hinz Sight Volume 13

Hinz Sight Volume 13

In This Week’s Hinz Sight: 02/01/24

  • Opportunity Spotlight: ITES-4S
  • AI Corner: Bid More for Less!
  • Culture Corner: How to be Human in a Technology Driven World
  • Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: Strategic Pricing Strategies for LPTA Procurements
  • Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!


Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

This is the follow-up to the successful Army’s PEO/EIS/CHESS Information Technology Enterprise Solutions (ITES)-3 which has 135 contracts. This estimated $12.1B acquisition has a potential RFP release in Sept 2024, but awards not until Sept 2027, so we may see a slip in RFP release in 2025 or later. This is again a MA/IDIQ with both SBSA and Full/Open Unrestricted pools.  POP is anticipated to be 9 years.

CHESS is planning on a Market Research Phase, RFI Questionnaires and then holding an Industry Day. Some planned, new items for ITES-4S are:

  • Multiple NAICS Codes
  • 8(a) Set-aside planning to include an increase in small business goals and allowing Government Customers to use ITES-4S to meet their SB goals
  • FedRAMP standards for Cloud Services
  • Metrics for Proposal and RFI submissions
  • Minimum requirements for Vendors to have on their forward-facing websites.

The scope is anticipated to be similar to ITES-3S and should include these primary areas:

  • Business Process Reengineering
  • Information Systems Security
  • Information Assurance
  • IT Services
  • Enterprise Design, Integration, and Consolidation
  • Education/Training
  • Program/Project Management
  • Systems Operation and Maintenance
  • Network Support


Bid More for Less!

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

We recently talked to clients about their goals for 2024. The consensus was that they need to bid more with the same resources. Most of them were targeting a 28-42% increase in submissions. Increasing their bids is a fundamental path to more revenue, but the risk can include compromised quality and a daunting workload increase, which could result in turnover – both outcomes impact the win rate.

Implementing the right AI solution plus a coherent knowledge management approach mitigates these risks:

  1. Mitigating Employee Attrition: Increasing the number of proposals may inadvertently lead to employee attrition, jeopardizing a company’s capacity to meet new submission goals. Generative AI serves as a strategic solution to alleviate this risk.
  2. Optimizing Proposal Team Size: Executives contemplating team expansion face the challenge of heavy fixed overhead costs associated with adding at least 1 Full Time Employee (FTE). Using AI will leverage your existing resources.
  3. Revolutionizing Productivity Cost-Effectively: Generative AI products should be evaluated for security, quality, and speed to make sure you get the best fit. Implementing the right solution can increase team productivity by up to 30%, presenting a cost-effective method to meet goals and avoid burnout.


How to be Human in a Technology Driven World

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

Technology is transforming our lives in ever expanding ways from how we entertain ourselves to how we conduct business and, most importantly, write proposals. This wonderful gift of efficiency has also challenged us with information overload, digital addiction, and social isolation. At Hinz, we balance technology and humanity as we adapt to the new normal. It’s not one or the other, it’s both! We can use technology wisely and responsibly, while celebrating our human uniqueness. Our corporate culture is built on empathy, compassion, curiosity, and accountability. We’ll delve into these values more in this newsletter over the next few weeks!


“Race to the Bottom” – Strategic Pricing Strategies for LPTA Procurements

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

In Lowest Price, Technically Acceptable (LPTA) procurements, pricing strategies focus on offering the lowest price while (just) meeting technical requirements. This involves rigorous cost analysis, lean operations for cost reduction, market and competitor understanding, and highly customized pricing for each opportunity. Success hinges on balancing aggressive pricing with maintaining quality and long-term financial sustainability.

Three Key Takeaways

1. Cost Efficiency is Crucial: Success in LPTA procurements hinges on a company’s ability to efficiently manage and minimize costs. Thorough cost analysis and lean operational strategies are vital to offer the lowest possible price while ensuring all technical requirements are met.

2. Balanced Pricing Approach: In LPTA bids, it is essential to find a balance between competitive pricing and maintaining quality. Underbidding can jeopardize profitability and sustainability, while overbidding can lead to losing the contract. Understanding market pricing and competitor strategies is key to this balance.

3. Meeting Technical Standards is Paramount: While offering the lowest price is the primary goal in LPTA procurements, adhering to the specified technical requirements is equally important. Pricing strategies must be developed with a detailed understanding of these requirements to ensure compliance without unnecessary cost additions.


Four to Follow:

2024 and beyond is a target-rich environment for the GOVCON space.  Here are a few more high-value opportunities you should keep your eyes on and decide if you are pursuing as a prime or sub.

  1.  Defense Air Force Strategic Transformation Support II (DAFSTS II) – the follow-on to the AFSTS program which has 8 incumbent contracts.  DAFSTS II is estimated at a $5B program value across multiple full/open unrestricted awards.  Estimated draft RFP in late winter/early spring and current contracts expire mid-June 2025.
  2. Department of State (DOS) ACCESS – the Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM) at DOS is looking to acquire IT equipment and hardware.  DOS stated at the Q1FY24 Virtual Industry Day that a solicitation was anticipated for Q2FY24 and that this estimated $5B effort would be an SBSA.  
  3. USAID NextGen Procurement Services Agent HIV (PSA HIV) – this estimated $3B agency MA/IDIQ is set to be a full/open unrestricted competition with an RFP being released in late January 2024 and awards by the end of 2024.  Contract POP is estimated to be a 10-year base contract.
  4. HHS National Education Campaign and Outreach Contract (NEC) – this potential $3B agency MA/IDIQ is planned to have a 7-year base performance period.  RFP is estimated for release by the end of Aug 2024 with an award in Aug 205.  This is a follow-on to the existing NEC IDIQ contract which has 4 incumbents.

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Hinz Sight Volume 12

Hinz Sight Volume 12

In This Week’s Newsletter: [01/25/24]

Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: “Toppling the Giant” – Beating an Incumbent Without Being the Lowest Price

Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: GSA ALLIANT 3

AI Corner: Generative AI Tool Assessments

Culture Corner: Staying On Track In 2024

Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting opportunities!


“Toppling the Giant” – Beating an Incumbent Without Being the Lowest Price

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

In public sector procurements, defeating an incumbent without being the lowest bidder requires a strategic approach focusing on value. This involves highlighting superior quality, innovative solutions, socio-economic benefits, risk mitigation, and tailored services. It is all about demonstrating comprehensive value that aligns with the broader programmatic objectives of the customer.

Three Key Takeaways

1. Provide Value Beyond Price: Demonstrate comprehensive value in your offering that extends beyond just pricing. This includes demonstrating superior quality, delivery performance, innovative solutions, and additional socio-economic benefits.

2. Customize and Partner: Tailor solutions to address your customer’s long-term business needs and objectives (going beyond the proposed contract term, if needed), and position your company as a collaborative partner rather than just another vendor.

3. Risk Mitigation and Stability: Emphasize your company’s ability to mitigate risks and its stability and reliability as a service provider to counteract the “safe choice” appeal of the incumbent, making your proposal more attractive.



Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

This is the follow-on to the successful GSA ALLIANT 2 (62 incumbent contracts) and will be a Full/Open-Unrestricted GWAC-IDIQ procurement with estimated value of $75B.  The second Draft RFP was released in early Dec 2023 and comments were due on Jan 16th. and final RFP is estimated to be released in the Spring of 2024 (late April/May).  According to the GSA presentation on January 11th 2024, on The Alliant Program: Alliant 3 Second Draft, they wish to proceed quickly with Alliant 3.

All sections were included in the second Draft RFP with the exception of Pricing. This is still being developed and will be released when ready, hopefully before the final RFP is released this spring.  A pre-proposal conference will be held after final RFP release.  There were many significant, positive changes in this second draft RFP with the major ones being:

  • Relevant Experience Project Size Thresholds Reduced
    • Reduction in dollar values from $275M to $100M, $100M to $35M, and $35M to $7.5M (L. Relevant Experience – Project Size)
    • Reduction in dollar values for additional points to correspond with section L values (M.6 – Alliant 3 Scoring Table)
  • Federal Primary Relevant Experience Submissions Expanded
    • All offerors may use work performed as as a subcontractor that fits RFP criteria 
    • Federal Subcontracts can roll down to Agency, Cost Projects, Foreign Location (L., L., and L. – Primary Relevant Experience NAICS Areas)
  • Cost Accounting System and Audit Information
    • Not restricted to DCMA or DCAA audits
    • May use Cognizant Federal Agency or Certified Public Accountant statement of Cost Accounting System audit to be found acceptable by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (L.5.4.1 Cost Accounting System and Audit Information)

Key points:

  • Estimated to be 60 awardees
  • Awardees to have a 10-year contract term and no ceiling master contract
  • Periodic open seasons to occur
  • Basis for evaluation for awards will be determined by Highest Technically Rated Offerors with a Fair and Reasonable Price (HTRFRP). Must be amongst the top 60 highest rated Offerors to be considered a HTRFRP Offeror.  There could end up being more than 60 awards if ties occur within the top 60 rated Offerors.
  • Acceptability Review is conducted on proposals on a Pass/Fail basis on required information.  Only “acceptable” proposals move into the Technical Evaluation and are scored per the Alliant 3 Scoring Table. Offerors make their own assessments but the Technical Evaluation on Relevant Experience; Past Performance; Systems, Certifications, and Clearances; and Organizational Risk Assessment must include the required information to substantiate the claimed points.  A maximum of 92,200 points may be claimed.
  • An overall Responsibility Determination IAW FAR Part 9 is conducted on a Pass/Fail basis and if not deemed responsible, an Offeror will not be considered for an award.

Major Acquisition Objectives:

  • Maintain a Best-in-Class Solution Designation
  • Use standardized IT Labor Categories and Prices Paid Portal
  • No-Ceiling Master Contract
  • Performance Standard Improvement to include fewer termination through off-ramp tradeoffs and more competition with task order proposals with small business (SB) subcontracting
  • Increased focus on SB through Subcontracting Plans, Performance Standards, and Evaluation Factors
  • Enhance Environmental and Sustainability Plans
  • Enhance the Customer Experience
  • Streamline Proposal Evaluation through use of technology to increase government evaluation speed/accuracy and simplifying industry solicitation response and industry response
  • Increase IT Modernization Opportunities
  • Provision for Open Seasons which will occur periodically to evaluate competition levels and on-ramp opportunities

This is a great contract vehicle and is widely used across the Federal Government.  Let Hinz Consulting help you pull together the required substantiation documentation and review it for compliance and proof of points claimed.


Generative AI Tool Assessments

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

The change from search tools to Generative AI platforms is akin to the leap from analog phones to Touch Screen phones – after you experience the productivity advantages of a Generative AI, how could you ever go back? Hinz Consulting conducts comprehensive AI tool assessments to make sure our clients select the right tool.

A good Generative AI tool should do the following for you….

  1.  Generative AI searches your Knowledge Management to find applicable reference documents and uses those documents to generate new content.  Generative AI eliminates the need for tagging or searching your KM for hours on end.  
  2. Generative AI combines the search and the generation of content, allowing you to sunset KM search tools.  As you sunset the KM search tools, you can reinvest the cost savings in more capable Generative AI products.  
  3. Legacy KM search tools, evaluated by Hinz, involve extensive tagging of data and labeling.  Tagging at scale for your whole Knowledge Management repository is a costly task for any team, and in many cases, an impossible endeavor.  Gen AI requires no manual tagging and labeling to set up.  


Staying On Track In 2024

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

Clear your mind, take a deep breath, and look back that the past few weeks. While it may seem premature for reflection, doing so now provides ample time to adjust our methods.

As we wrap up the first month of a new year, it’s a good time to reflect on the goals we’ve made and evaluate our progress. We’ve defined our goals, broken them down into manageable actions, and defined key metrics. So how are we doing so far?

Ask yourself:

  • How often are you completing the daily tasks that move you forward? Express that in a percentage. Seeing your effort as a real number is enlightening!
  • What are the top 3 obstacles that prevent you from completing those tasks? Perhaps there is a common underlying theme that needs to be addressed.
  • What are the key drivers on the days that you are successful? Identify the positive things that motivate you and build on them. 


Four to Follow:

2024 and beyond is a target-rich environment for the GOVCON space.  Maybe we will actually have an approved budget for FY24 before we get to September? Here are a few more high-value opportunities you should keep your eyes on and decide if you are pursuing as a prime or sub.

  1.  DHS Program Management Administrative Clerical and Technical Services (PACTS III) – the follow-on to PACTS II which has 39 incumbent contracts.  PACTS III is estimated at $8.4B program value across potential awards to 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB and WOSB companies.  DHS just released a consolidated set of Q&A on 18 Jan and now the Final RFP is expected to release on or about 1 Feb with an award estimated in early Q1 FY25. 
  2. Comprehensive Construction and Engineering (C2E) – The Air Force released a mod on Jan 18th changing the solicitation number to FA890324R0023 along with an updated Synopsis.  Final RFP is not expected on or after Feb 28th and a 45 day turn to proposal submission. Estimated award is April 2, 2025.   Air Force anticipates 12 contract awards under the Full/Open portion and 15 contract awards under the SBSA portion.
  3. PD Aerostat Production Fielding Sustainment and Life Cycle Support MATOC IDIQ – the latest forecast by the Army is that this RFP is planned for release in Q4 FY24…so maybe Sept? This $4.1B IDIQ MATOC is potentially set up as a Competitive SBSA and Full/Open Unrestricted and potentially 6 awards (3 SBSA awards and 3 F/O unrestricted awards).
  4. GSA ASCEND – this multiple award BPA for Federal Agencies to acquire and implement secure, integrated commercial cloud service solutions and cloud-focused labor services is expected to be released May 2024. GSA released a modification on Jan 4th to extend due date for questions/comments on the draft RFP until Feb 21st.  Industry should expect a phased award process with an unknown number of awards in each of the 3 Primary Pools:  Pool 1 – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS); Pool 2 – Software as a Service (SaaS); and Pool 3 – Cloud Professional Services.  Awards estimated to begin in early FY25. 

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Hinz Sight Volume 11

Hinz Sight Volume 11

In This Week’s Newsletter:

Culture Corner: Understanding Lead and Lag Measures in Goal Achievement

Competitive Intelligence & Pricing: “Protecting Your Turf” – Strategic Pricing as an Incumbent

Opportunity Spotlight of the Week: NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP VI)

AI Corner: FAQs on AI Proposal Compliance

Four To Follow: Get the lowdown on four interesting pursuits!

Understanding Lead and Lag Measures in Goal Achievement

Contact Angela: angela.marsh@hinzconsulting.com

In the journey towards achieving your goals, it’s helpful to identify both lead and lag measures. Lead measures are proactive actions taken to drive progress, while lag measures are the outcomes or results. By focusing on both, you create a comprehensive strategy for success.

Lead measures: actions within your control that directly influence the outcome; provides a roadmap that allows for real-time adjustments; shapes the future.

Lag measures: metrics that show actual results or achievements; keeps you informed about the overall progress and helps you celebrate milestones; reflects the past.

Balancing both types of measures is essential. Combining the two empowers you to make informed decisions, stay motivated, and steadily progress towards your goals.

“Protecting Your Turf” – Strategic Pricing as an Incumbent

Contact Chris: chris.placzek@hinzconsulting.com

For incumbents recompeting for contracts, strategic pricing involves leveraging deep project insights to offer value-based pricing, while avoiding complacency. It is crucial to balance competitive pricing with demonstrating the added value of continued service, considering cost efficiency, customer familiarity, and innovative pricing models to underscore stability and reliability as a provider.

1. Leverage Incumbent Insights: Utilize your in-depth understanding of the project and customer needs to create a pricing strategy that reflects efficiency and added value unique to your incumbency.

2. Balance Competitive Pricing with Value Demonstration: Avoid complacency by offering competitive pricing, but also highlight the stability, reduced risk, and additional value that your continued service provides.

3. Price to Reflect Value, Not Just Costs: Do not rely too heavily on pricing within the existing contract. Emphasize the value you bring as an incumbent, and price in a way that communicates this added value, not just the cost of future service delivery.

NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP VI)

Contact Len: len.miller@hinzconsulting.com

SEWP VI is the next iteration in NASA’s highly successful GWAC-IDIQ vehicle which will be multiple awards (212 contracts on SEWP V) across Full/Open-Unrestricted, SBSA, HUBZone Set-Aside, EDWOSB and SDVOSB categories.   Total value is estimated to be $77B.  The Contract Period of Performance is to be a 5-year base contract with 5-year Option Period.  The draft RFP has been out since Sept 2023 and an Industry Day was held in mid-Oct 2023.   SEWP VI has three separate categories:

  • Category A:  Consisting of IT, Communications and Audio Visual (ITC/AV) Solutions where Group A1 is Unrestricted and Group A2 is SBSA.
  • Category B: Consisting of Enterprise-wide ITC/AVS Service Solutions where Group B1 is Unrestricted and Group B2 is SBSA.
  • Category C: Consisting of ITC/AV Program Level Services where Group C1 is SBSA and Group C2 is currently “reserved”.

 This will be a Firm Down-Select acquisition over three phases:

  • Phase One – Certifications and Mandatory Experience (Pass/Fail)
    • Category A experience is documented by a matrix showing solutions against the CLINs for each sub-area with pricing.
    • Mandatory Level of Experience varies by Category B and C and by Large and Small Business categories (SBSA, HUBZone, SDVOSB, EDWOSB) and is documented through a completed Relevant Experience Project (REP) table for each project submitted.
  • Phase Two – Past Performance (Recency and Relevancy (size and content) with different criteria for large and small businesses in each of the 3 Categories.  Includes use of PPQs.
  • Phase Three – Mission Suitability
    • Technical Approach (Subfactor A)
    • Management Approach (Subfactor B)

The final RFP is estimated to be released in February 2024, but we know work is continuing on the final RFP and NASA has not yet committed to a specific date. The current SEWP V contract POP ends in April 2025 and it is estimated that NASA is looking to have contracts awarded by May 2025 according to the SEWP VI website.   

AI Training

Contact Josh: josh.thiel@hinzconsulting.com

Hinz tailors AI Training for each unique proposal team by:

  1.  Understanding your proposal process through a comprehensive analysis of your workflow, offering, and differentiators.  Based on this insight, we offer a menu of options for the integration of Gen AI to enhance your specific proposal process.
  2. Using real RFPs as a backdrop.  Based on one of the upcoming RFPs you plan to bid on, the Hinz team will create an outline and tailor all the training so that your proposal team can write a real-time proposal while learning the tool.  This training occurs under the stewardship of our expert Proposal Manager/AI Trainer.

Four to Follow:

2024 and beyond is a target-rich environment for the GOVCON space.  Here are a few more high-value opportunities you should keep your eyes on and decide if you are pursuing as a prime or sub.

  1. Army IT Enterprise Solutions 4 Services (ITES-4S) – this is the next iteration of the Army’s IDIQ-MAC for procuring IT Services.  This is will have both SBSA and Full & Open/Unrestricted awards.  Total value is estimated at $12.1B. RFP release is estimated for Sep 2024 and awards in Sep 2027.  Contract POP is expected to be 9 years.  An Industry Day is also anticipated.
  2. FAA Combined Hardware Software SAVES – this is a follow-on to the current SAVES IT Software and SAVES IT Hardware contracts to supply equipment/supplies, IT hardware and COTS software and IT services as a secondary effort.  RFP is expected Feb/Mar 2024 with contract award estimated to be in Oct 2024.  Value is estimated at $10B with contract POP of 10 years.
  3. NOAA Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Program (ProTech 2.0) Weather Domain – the follow-on to ProTech 1.0 is expected to have a draft RFP released in Feb/Mar 2024 and potential awards made in Nov/Dec 2024.  There are 22 incumbents in this domain and awards are expected to include SBSAs and Full & Open/Unrestricted companies.  Total program value is currently estimated at $8B and contract POP is expected to be a 5-year base with a 5-year option period.  
  4. DHS Program Management Administrative Clerical and Technical Services (PACTS III) – the follow-on to PACTS II which has 39 incumbent contracts.  PACTS III is estimated at $8.4B program value across potential awards to 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB and WOSB companies.  This IDIQ/MAC procurement is expected to have the RFP released in Feb/Mar 2024 with awards in Sep/Oct 2024, but current contracts don’t expire until end of Feb 2025.  

About Hinz Consulting

Hinz Consulting provides services across the full business development cycle:

  • Proposal Consulting
  • AI Services
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Training
  • Capture
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • BD Transformation Consulting
  • Process/Methodology Consulting
  • Tools and Templates
  • Production Services
  • Small Business
Hinz Sight Volume 10

Hinz Sight Volume 10

In This Week’s Newsletter:

Welcome to Volume 10 of the Hinz Sight! In this edition, we unveil the $88B opportunity of Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Care Network Next Generation (CCN NEXT GEN). Delve into the world of Competitive Intelligence and Pricing, where Generative AI elevates data-driven decisions and operational efficiency. Discover the intricacies of Generative AI Document Ingest in the AI Corner. Wrap it up by adopting the KISS Technique in our Culture Corner for streamlined goal-setting. Here’s to a week of discovery and growth!

Welcome to Volume 10 of the Hinz Sight! In this edition, we unveil the $88B opportunity of Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Care Network Next Generation (CCN NEXT GEN). Delve into the world of Competitive Intelligence and Pricing, where Generative AI elevates data-driven decisions and operational efficiency. Discover the intricacies of Generative AI Document Ingest in the AI Corner. Wrap it up by adopting the KISS Technique in our Culture Corner for streamlined goal-setting. Here’s to a week of discovery and growth!

Opportunity Spotlight of the Week:

Veterans Affairs (VA) Community Care Network Next Generation (CCN NEXT GEN)

CCN NEXT GEN is a major recompete for the existing 5 regional contracts held by 2 incumbents.  CCN NEXT GEN is expected to provide integrated veteran care (IVC) capabilities and requirements via a set of separate domains to provide a broad scope of services for our Veterans and Veteran Family Member Programs (VFMP) via a set of multiple single award contracts.  It is anticipated these domains will be:

  • Integrated Services: at the National Level
  • Network-East: East region healthcare network and claims processing
  • Network-West: West region healthcare network and claims processing
  • Dental: National dental network and claims processing
  • Pharmacy: National pharmacy network and claims processing
  • VFMP Claims: National claims adjudication for VFMP

This is expected to be a full/open-unrestricted competition and will be an IDIQ contract with multiple awards expected. We believe that the VA could award a single contract per domain but, based on the Virtual Industry Day held last November, we don’t believe the acquisition strategy has been fully completed. The estimated value of this procurement is $88B. The RFP is expected to be released this summer and contract awards to be made in September 2025.  

Keep Your Eye on These Opportunities:

2024 and beyond is a target rich environment for the GOVCON space.  Here are a few more high-value opportunities you should watch and decide if you are pursuing as a prime or sub:

  1. NASA SEWP VI – This is the sixth iteration of this GWAC-IDIQ vehicle which will be multiple awards (212 contracts on SEWP V) across full/open-unrestricted, SBSA, HUBZone Set-Aside, and SDVOSB categories. Total value is estimated to be $77B.  The draft RFP has been out since Sept 2023 with the final RFP estimated release to be February 2024, but we know work is continuing on the final RFP.
  2. GSA ALLIANT 3 – This is the follow-on to GSA ALLIANT 2 (62 incumbent contracts) and will be a full/open-unrestricted GWAC-IDIQ procurement with estimated value of $75B.  Draft RFP was released in early Dec 2023 and final RFP is estimated to be released in April 2024.
  3. HHS CIO-CS – This is a follow-on to the current CIO-Commodity Solution (CS) contracts (70 incumbent contracts) with total value expected to be around $20B and will be a GWAC-IDIQ to handle the provisioning of IT commodities and solutions.  The awards will go across full/open-unrestricted and partial SBSAs.  Estimated release of the RFP is May 2024.
  4. Air Force Comprehensive Construction & Engineering (C2E) – This is the follow-on to two IDIQ/Multiple Award contracts (Regional Engineering & Construction (RE&C) and Worldwide Engineering & Construction (WE&C)) which have 45 incumbent contracts between them.  The total value for C2E is estimated at $15B with multiple awards to small businesses and full/open-unrestricted businesses.  Draft RFP was released in Dec 2023 and final RFP is estimated to be released in Feb 2024.

Hinz Consulting is here to support you in the pursuit, capture and proposal for any of these opportunities.  

Competitive Intelligence and Pricing

Utilizing Generative AI For Pricing

“AI offers a transformative approach to optimizing revenue and profitability.”

Chris Placzek ~ SVP, Pricing Services, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

  • Data-Driven Pricing Decisions: Generative AI analyzes customer behavior, competitor pricing, and market trends to provide data-driven, responsive pricing recommendations, enhancing revenue and profitability.
  • Dynamic Scenario Analysis: This technology enables dynamic pricing, personalized offers, and simulates various pricing scenarios, offering insights into the potential financial impact of different strategies.
  • Operational Efficiency and Strategic Focus: By automating pricing decisions, generative AI allows companies to quickly adapt to market changes, improving competitiveness and customer satisfaction, while freeing up resources for strategic planning and innovation.

AI Corner

Good Data In = Good Data Out

“When using Generative AI to create Proposal content, the corporate documents you have ingested into your AI instance are critical. Generative AI Document ingest subscribes to the principle, good data in equals good data out.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting


Hinz AI Center of Excellence (CoE) has pioneered a process for Gen AI document management which optimizes the AI performance and ease of use for your proposal team.  The AI CoE team guides teams through the Ingest Process based on the following key tasks:

  1. Understanding your organization:What is your organizational structure?How does your company operate?What does your company offer?How is your KM Organized?
  2. Selecting a file structure that works with the AI while reflecting your company needs.
  3. Selecting files that ensure high-quality content creation for the Gen AI platform to source from during the proposal process.

Culture Corner

Try the KISS Technique to Define Your Goals

“It can be difficult to articulate a clear vision. Sometimes, we aren’t sure exactly what we need for success. Try the KISS Technique to help define your goals for 2024. ”

Angela Marsh ~ SVP, Org. Development, Hinz Consulting

What do you want to KEEP doing? Reflect on your successes from last year.

What do you want to IMPROVE upon? Think about how you can make the successes even better.

What do you need to START doing? Identify the small, repeatable actions that move you forward.

What do you need to STOP doing? List the habits/processes that get in your way.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Sight Volume 9

Hinz Sight Volume 9

2024 Bids to keep an eye on

New Feature For 2024

“Through 2024 we will regularly feature various large and exciting bids. Over the next months, you’ll see insights and information about pursuits from the list below.”

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting

2024 Opportunities

  3. GSA – ALLIANT 3
  4. Energy – ORNL M&O
  5. HHS – CIO-CS
  6. Energy – M&O LBNL
  7. Air Force – C2E
  8. Army – ITES-4S
  9. Transportation – FAA SAVES
  10. Energy – CBOSS 2
  11. Defense/ Transportation Cmd – CRAF
  12. Energy – M&O FNAL
  13. Commerce – PROTECH 2.0 Weather Domain
  14. Navy – DB DBB MACC
  15. Air Force – CFT
  16. MDA – MIOES
  18. Air Force – DAFSTS II
  19. Army – PD Aerostats MATOC IDIQ
  20. Defense/ Transportation Cmd – USC
  22. HHS – NEC
  23. VA – DB Services Eastern Region
  24. VA – DB Services Western Region
  25. VA – DB Services Central Region
  26. Justice – FBI RMACC 2
  27. Army – Vertical Const MATOC ECSO
  28. State – ACCESS
  29. Army – D3I2 D2
  30. Defense/DLA – Chem/POL
  32. Army – CoMSupCen
  33. State – INL WHP FA4
  34. Navy – IT Enterprise Eng Ops & Hosting Services
  35. HUD – IT Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance Services

Competitive Intelligence and Pricing

What Has a Bigger Impact on pWin – Customer Relationship or Strategic Pricing?

“In complex procurements, having a strong customer relationship and utilizing strategic pricing are both critical to increasing pWin. While customer relationships build trust and cater to long-term goals through deep client insights, strategic pricing offers an immediate competitive edge and clear value propositions. Their relative importance varies with industry dynamics and specific procurement characteristics, ultimately requiring a balanced approach.”

Chris Placzek ~ SVP, Pricing Services, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

1. Balanced Approach:

In complex procurements, a balanced approach that leverages both customer relationship management and strategic pricing is often the most effective strategy for improving win probability.

2. Role of Industry and Procurement Nature:

The importance of customer relationships versus strategic pricing varies depending on the industry and the specific nature of the procurement, with customer relationships being crucial in high-value, service-focused industries and strategic pricing in cost-sensitive markets.

3. Short-term vs. Long-term Focus

While strategic pricing can provide a significant short-term competitive edge, especially in budget-driven decisions, strong customer relationships play a vital role in building long-term trust and understanding, which is essential for sustainable business growth and repeat business.

AI Corner

2024 will be a year of ‘AI action’

“2024 is forming into a year of AI action, rather than observation.  More companies have reached out for AI tool selection discussion in January than all of 2023.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting

Benefits of an AI Proposal Tool

Time Efficiency:

The AI Proposal tool revolutionizes the proposal creation process by significantly reducing the time investment. Streamlining traditionally laborious tasks, such as content generation and formatting, allows organizations to accomplish in minutes what would typically take hours or days. This newfound efficiency empowers teams to respond swiftly to proposal requirements, enhancing overall productivity.

Consistency and Standardization:

A key advantage of the AI Proposal tool is its ability to ensure consistency and adherence to predefined standards. By automating language, style, and formatting, organizations present polished and error-free proposals. This commitment to standardization not only elevates the quality of submissions but also reinforces a professional and cohesive image.

Culture Corner

To achieve your goals in 2024, be sure to keep a few things in mind:

  1. Have a Clear Vision:Define your destination clearly. A clear vision serves as your compass, guiding every step of your journey. It’s the foundation upon which successful endeavors are built.
  2. Speak It into the Universe: Articulate your goals boldly. Speaking your aspirations out loud not only reinforces your commitment but also sends a powerful message to the universe. Your words have the potential to shape your reality.
  3. Take Small, Daily Actions Towards Your Goals: Progress is a series of small steps. Break down your ambitions into manageable, daily actions. These consistent efforts, though seemingly minor, accumulate into significant strides, propelling you steadily toward your larger goals.

Success Stories

ESS VII for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Huntsville Engineering and Support Center

“At Hinz Consulting, we thrive on turning challenges into successes. Our support for the ESS VII bid for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers exemplifies this commitment. Despite navigating evolving scopes, holiday constraints, and tight timelines, our team ensured not just timely submission but a proposal that truly represented the client’s qualifications.”

~Hinz Consulting


  • Dynamic Scope Expansion: Our involvement evolved from initial support for Proposal Management to comprehensive proposal development, including technical writing. Adapting to this dynamic expansion, we seamlessly integrated technical content across all bid sections.
  • Strategic Time Management: The proposal period coincided with the December holidays, posing challenges with staff availability. Our team strategically managed progress by maintaining open communication, rescheduling milestones, and providing continuous technical writing support, ensuring productivity during the festive season.
  • Client Satisfaction and Timely Submission: Despite the complexities, we met the challenge head-on. The proposal was submitted on time, exceeding the client’s expectations. The feedback received affirmed not just satisfaction but gratitude for our support in representing their qualifications effectively.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Sight Volume 8

Hinz Sight Volume 8

Unlock the secrets of business development in government contracting with ‘Hinz Sight’—your weekly post for industry foresight. Stay ahead of the curve as we decode the latest trends and tech, ensuring your vision is always 20/20. Subscribe for your Thursday thought-leadership treat, and never miss a beat in the competitive landscape of government bids.

Insider Insights

FAQ’s in AI Proposal Writing

“A lot of clients are reaching out to Hinz to ask us for our perspective on using AI in proposals. As we all think about planning for 2024, we thought we’d post a few of the common questions. Let us know what questions you have!”

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting


How does AI handle sensitive or confidential information in proposals?

Security is a top priority. Certain AI systems are designed with robust security measures to protect sensitive data. Encryption, access controls, and compliance with data protection standards ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information.

How can organizations integrate AI into their proposal workflows?

Integrating AI into proposal workflows involves strategic planning and collaboration. Organizations can start by identifying the specific stages of the proposal process where AI can add value, selecting appropriate AI tools, and ensuring seamless integration with existing workflows. Training teams on AI tool usage further optimizes the integration.

Is AI proposal writing customizable?

Yes, AI proposal writing is customizable to a significant extent. Organizations can tailor AI tools to align with their specific proposal requirements and industry nuances. This customization ensures that AI becomes a versatile and adaptive assistant in the proposal development journey

AI Corner

3 red flags to consider when picking an AI software

“Choosing AI software demands a discerning eye. Three red flags to watch for are a lack of contextual understanding, an overreliance on generic templates, and any signs of inconsistencies or errors. These flags signal potential pitfalls that could compromise the effectiveness and reliability of the AI tool in your unique use case.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting

Red Flags

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Pay attention to any AI proposal writing software with known security vulnerabilities. If the tool has a history of data breaches, unauthorized access, or lacks robust encryption protocols, it poses a significant red flag for the safety of your sensitive proposal data.
  • Inadequate Data Privacy Measures: Red flags should be raised if the software lacks clear and comprehensive data privacy measures. Ensure that the AI tool adheres to stringent privacy standards, protecting your confidential information from unauthorized exposure or misuse.
  • Questionable Compliance Standards: If the AI proposal writing software falls short in terms of compliance with industry standards or regulations, it could jeopardize the confidentiality and integrity of your proposals. Look for tools that prioritize and transparently adhere to the necessary compliance standards for data security.

Culture Corner

Servant Leadership

“At Hinz Consulting, we believe in a culture where leaders prioritize the well-being and growth of their teams. Servant Leadership, coined by Robert Greenleaf, is the cornerstone of this philosophy. It empowers leaders to serve first, leading to a harmonious and productive work environment. By prioritizing the needs of others, Hinzers inspire collaboration, trust, and innovation. As we continue to uphold the principles of Servant Leadership, we pave the way for a resilient and successful future, where everyone’s contributions are valued and recognized.”

Angela Marsh ~ SVP, Org. Development, Hinz Consulting

Success Stories


“Steering success through strategic bidding, Hinz Consulting led a dynamic team of 8 personnel in supporting the Worldwide Protective Services for Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center (BDSC)/U.S. Department of State. Here’s a glimpse into the key takeaways from this transformative project.”

~Hinz Consulting


  • Project Scope:
    • Bid for and supported Worldwide Protective Services at Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center (BDSC).
    • Comprehensive services included staffing, training, logistics, and provisioning of guard and canine services.
  • Key Components:
    • Deployed a team of 8 experts in various roles.
    • Approximate bid value: $250-300M, with a 75-page limit for Technical and Management Proposals.
  • Strategic Approach:
    • Successfully managed dual fire-walled proposals for BDSC and a related procurement (BEC).
    • Efficiently balanced U.S., Iraqi, and third-country national personnel in a complex staffing project.
    • Commended by senior leadership for dedication, leading to trust in managing the next major client must-win opportunity.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Sight Volume 7

Hinz Sight Volume 7

Unlock the secrets of business development in government contracting with ‘Hinz Sight’—your weekly post for industry foresight. Stay ahead of the curve as we decode the latest trends and tech, ensuring your vision is always 20/20. Subscribe for your Thursday thought-leadership treat, and never miss a beat in the competitive landscape of government bids.

Insider Insights
Why AI is so helpful for your BD

“To maximize your Business Development AI investment, consider focusing on a high-impact strategy. Provide comprehensive AI training for your key BD staff to enhance their efficiency in responding to White Papers and RFIs. Integrating AI into these processes can significantly improve proactive BD efforts and accelerate client communication.”

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting

Strategies for maximizing your Business Development AI investment

  • Comprehensive AI Training for BD Staff 
  • Focus on White Papers and RFIs 
  • Integration of AI into BD Processes
  • Engage Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
  • Empower BD Professionals
  • Measure and Communicate Time Savings
  • Streamlined Integration for Client Communication
  • Resource Optimization

Competitive Intelligence & Strategic Pricing

Integrating a Strategic Pricing practice into your existing capture process

“Integrating strategic pricing into the capture process is paramount for companies looking to win more profitable government contracts. More than just a cost cutting exercise, this integration requires early collaboration, thorough cost analysis, competitive intelligence, and differentiation that contribute to a compelling proposal. Coupled with continuous communication, and risk mitigation, strategic pricing can enhance competitiveness and profitability in the dynamic landscape of government contracting.”

Chris Placzek ~ SVP, Pricing Services, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

1. Early Collaboration Drives Success: Initiate collaboration among strategic pricing, business development, and subject matter experts at the outset of the capture process to align strategies, ensuring a cohesive and competitive approach to pricing.

2. Value Proposition Enhances Competitiveness: Clearly define and emphasize the organization’s unique value proposition, innovation, and strengths to differentiate the proposal, positioning it as the client’s preferred choice.

3. Risk Mitigation Strengthens Credibility: Integrate robust risk mitigation and contingency planning into the pricing strategy, showcasing the organization’s foresight and preparedness. This not only addresses potential challenges but also enhances the credibility of the proposal, instilling confidence in the client’s decision-making process.

AI Corner

Empowering Business Development with AI requires a unique domain

“Unlocking success in Business Development demands a distinctive domain: Your Historical Content. It’s not just data; it’s the narrative that propels your journey forward and sets you apart in the competitive landscape.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting

Questions To Consider

  • Does the AI Tool connect to your historical content?
  • Where is your historical content stored, your own instance?
  • How is the instance hosted and secured?
  • Can I upload my historical content at scale?
  • Can I organize the content into folders and select folders to drive up quality and focus at the onset of my request to the AI?

Culture Corner

“Are you focused on culture in the workplace? If not, you’re not just overlooking talent but also revenue. Our Hinz culture resonates with our industry peers, sparking interest in working with us and leading to client referrals. In fact, we were recommended for a contract this year because we are “good people who are fair and get things done.” We can’t think of a better compliment!”

Angela Marsh ~ SVP, Org. Development, Hinz Consulting

Success Stories


“At Hinz Consulting, we don’t just meet expectations; we exceed them. Our recent project exemplifies our commitment to excellence, managing to deliver a $500M proposal with 12 dedicated staff members. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about crafting solutions that resonate with our clients and set the stage for success.”

~Hinz Consulting

  • Scope of Work (SOW):The project involved providing comprehensive drafting support for the Technical, Management, and Transition Volumes of a proposal for the operations and maintenance of the entire IT infrastructure of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
  • Methodology and Approach:Hinz Consulting managed a team of 12 staff members who played a crucial role in orchestrating the entire proposal process. The approach involved creating a roster of subject matter experts (SMEs) strategically paired with Hinz Consulting counterparts. Scheduled high-impact interview sessions were conducted to gather technical and customer insight data, which was then seamlessly integrated into the proposal.
  • Efficiency and Defensibility:Recognizing the challenges of a high-OPTEMPO contract, Hinz Consulting adopted a systematic approach to minimize disruption to daily operations. Proposal sections were meticulously crafted and sent to SMEs for review and enhancement, ensuring a compliant and technically compelling proposal. This method not only reduced the burden on SMEs but also enhanced the win probability of the proposal while mitigating the risk of performance shortfalls during the competition period.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team