- 99.1% Success Rate
- Consultants average 17.52 years of experience
- $9.94 Billion in Wins
- 1700 Engagements Per Year
THE HINZ WAY is a set of guidelines and best practices that provides a documented approach for winning government business through the competitive bid process.
THE HINZ WAY is a set of guidelines and best practices that provides a documented approach for winning government business through the competitive bid process.
Volume 1 of THE HINZ WAY addresses the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and how it governs the competitive procurement process.
Volume 2 of THE HINZ WAY addresses the proposal lifecycle to increase understanding of competitive proposal evaluation.
Volume 3 of THE HINZ WAY addresses the proposal team and their roles and responsibilities throughout the proposal life-cycle.
Volume 4 of THE HINZ WAY presents best practices for developing the elements of a proposal that result in the submission of a compliant, compelling proposal with a high probability of winning.
Volume 5 of THE HINZ WAY is coming soon!
Volume 6 of THE HINZ WAY presents best practices for establishing a framework of activities that position a company with its client to increase the probability of a win.
In each of these volumes we present the Hinz best practice designed to maximize the probability of winning (PWin).