FAQs About Contract Recompetes

FAQs About Contract Recompetes

Contract recompetes are a common aspect of government contracting, but they can also raise questions and concerns for businesses involved in the process. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers:

What is a Contract Recompete?

A contract recompete occurs when a government contract is up for renewal or expiration, and the government agency decides to reopen the contract for competitive bidding rather than simply extending the existing contract. It allows the government to ensure it is receiving the best value and quality of service.

Why do Government Contracts Undergo Recompetition?

Government contracts undergo recompetition for various reasons, including the need for cost savings, changes in requirements, improvements in technology or services, or to introduce competition into the procurement process.

How Often do Contract Recompetes Happen?

The frequency of contract recompetes varies depending on the contract type, agency policies, and other factors. Some contracts are recompeted every few years, while others may remain in place for longer periods.

How Can Businesses Prepare for a Contract Recompete?

Businesses can prepare for a contract recompete by closely monitoring the contract’s performance, maintaining good relationships with the contracting agency, staying informed about changes in requirements or regulations, and continuously improving their offerings to meet the government’s evolving needs.

Can the Incumbent Contractor Bid on the Contract Again?

Yes, the incumbent contractor typically has the opportunity to bid on the contract again during the recompetition process. However, they must compete with other potential vendors and demonstrate that they still offer the best value and quality of service compared to other bidders.

What are the Advantages of Winning a Contract Recompete?

Winning a contract recompete can provide several benefits to a business, including continued revenue streams, the opportunity to expand services or offerings, enhanced reputation and credibility, and the potential for long-term partnerships with the government agency.

What are the Risks Associated with Contract Recompetes?

While contract recompetes offer opportunities for businesses, they also come with risks. These may include increased competition, the possibility of losing the contract to a competitor, the need for additional resources to prepare a bid, and potential disruptions to business operations.

How Can Businesses Improve Their Chances of Winning a Contract Recompete?

To improve their chances of winning a contract recompete, businesses should focus on delivering exceptional performance throughout the contract period, maintaining open communication with the contracting agency, understanding the government’s needs and priorities, and submitting a well-prepared and competitive bid.


Contract recompetes are a significant aspect of government contracting, offering both opportunities and challenges for businesses. By understanding the process and taking proactive steps to prepare, businesses can position themselves for success in winning contract recompetes and continuing to serve government clients effectively. Contact us to learn more!

The Advantages of Contract Recompetes

The Advantages of Contract Recompetes

In the dynamic landscape of government contracting, organizations are constantly striving to secure and retain contracts that drive their growth and success. One key aspect of this endeavor is contract recompetition, a process wherein existing contracts are put up for bid again, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses. In this blog, we’ll explore the various advantages that contract recompetes offer to organizations and how they can maximize these benefits to achieve their objectives.

Continuity and Stability

One of the primary benefits of contract recompetes is the continuity and stability they provide to organizations. By successfully retaining a contract through recompetition, businesses can maintain their presence in a particular market or industry sector. This continuity allows organizations to sustain relationships with clients and stakeholders, build upon past successes, and leverage their experience and expertise to deliver consistent results.

Enhanced Performance

Contract recompetes present an opportunity for organizations to assess their performance and make improvements based on past experiences. Through feedback from clients and internal evaluations, businesses can identify areas for enhancement and implement strategies to optimize their performance. This focus on continuous improvement not only strengthens the organization’s capabilities but also increases its competitiveness in future recompetes and new business opportunities.

Client Relationships

Successfully winning a contract recompete is a testament to an organization’s ability to meet and exceed client expectations. It demonstrates reliability, trustworthiness, and a commitment to delivering value. Moreover, the recompete process provides an opportunity for organizations to engage with clients, understand their evolving needs, and tailor solutions that address specific requirements. Strong client relationships foster loyalty and may lead to additional business opportunities beyond the recompete.

Competitive Advantage

Participating in a contract recompete allows organizations to showcase their strengths, capabilities, and innovative approaches. By highlighting past performance, successful outcomes, and unique value propositions, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and position themselves as the preferred choice for contract renewal. Additionally, the recompete process enables organizations to stay informed about market trends, competitor strategies, and emerging opportunities, giving them a competitive edge in future procurements.

5. Strategic Growth Opportunities

For organizations looking to expand their market presence or diversify their portfolio, contract recompetes can serve as strategic growth opportunities. Winning a recompete not only solidifies existing business but also opens doors to new possibilities. It provides a platform for organizations to showcase their capabilities to potential clients, pursue additional contracts within the same agency or industry, and explore partnerships and collaborations to pursue larger and more complex opportunities.


Contract recompetes offer numerous benefits to organizations operating in the government contracting space. From ensuring continuity and stability to fostering client relationships and driving strategic growth, recompetes play a vital role in the success and sustainability of businesses. By understanding and leveraging the advantages of contract recompetes, organizations can position themselves for long-term success in the competitive government contracting marketplace. Contact Us to learn more!