Worldwide Protective Services

Hinz Consulting


Hinz supplied a 9 person full proposal team, including Proposal Manager, Coordinator, Writers, Graphics, DTP and Production

Approximate Bid Value: $200M

Number Of  Pages: 50 page Technical


The Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center task order is to provide professional armed guard services to support the State Department’s personnel as they enter Baghdad Iraq. The BDSC is a facility connected to the Baghdad Airport that serves as the primary entry point for US diplomatic personnel.

The client’s previous bids had been reviewed poorly and our team was asked to take their existing material and make a more compelling case for them on the BDSC TO.

We reviewed the current materials and interviewed the client’s SMEs to create the level of detailed and specific content necessary to make a compelling case. This required a lot of creative work with graphics and tables to make the stronger message fit into the small 50 page allotment allowed by the RFP. 

Our team delivered a higher quality proposal, fully compliant and compelling, which scored much higher in internal reviews of the materials than their previous bids.