Hinz Sight Volume 6

Hinz Sight Volume 6

Unlock the secrets of business development in government contracting with ‘Hinz Sight’—your weekly post for industry foresight. Stay ahead of the curve as we decode the latest trends and tech, ensuring your vision is always 20/20. Subscribe for your Thursday thought-leadership treat, and never miss a beat in the competitive landscape of government bids.

Insider Insights

What is Google Gemini exactly?

“Launched on December 6, 2023, Gemini marks the dawn of a new era in AI at Google, according to CEO Sundar Pichai. Unveiled earlier at this year’s I/O developer conference, Gemini AI stands as Google’s most advanced Large Language Model (LLM) designed for multimodality, encompassing text, images, video, audio, and code. In addition to this, Google is introducing two other versions: Gemini Nano, a lighter edition for Android, and Gemini Ultra, tailored for data centers and enterprises.”

Gemini surpasses human experts in Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU), a widely acknowledged method for evaluating the knowledge and problem-solving capabilities of AI models. Multimodal learning has historically posed a challenge for AI, with most algorithms specializing in singular domains like language, computer vision, or speech recognition. However, Gemini tackles image, video, and audio individually, showcasing benchmark results that outshine both Chat GPT-4 and other models combined, particularly excelling in cross-modality tasks.

Google asserts that Gemini AI demonstrates expertise across various modalities, including Language Understanding and Generation, Image Processing and Creation, Mathematical Reasoning and Formula Manipulation, and Sophisticated Code Generation. Notably, Google emphasizes coding as a standout application for Gemini. The latest code-generating system, AlphaCode 2, exhibits remarkable performance, surpassing 85 percent of participants in a coding competition—an impressive 50 percent improvement over the original AlphaCode. As of now, Gemini is available only in English, with support for additional languages anticipated in the near future.”

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting

Competitive Intelligence and Pricing

How Strategic Pricing Can Improve Cost-to-Serve for Public Sector Service Providers

“Strategic pricing is pivotal for enhancing cost-to-serve efficiency for public sector service providers. By meticulously aligning pricing structures with operational realities, providers can optimize resource allocation, reduce overheads, and improve overall fiscal responsibility. This strategic approach not only enhances financial sustainability but also ensures the delivery of high-quality public services.”

Chris Placzek ~ SVP, Pricing Services, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

1. Alignment with Budgetary Constraints and Fiscal Responsibility.

Strategic pricing for public sector service providers must align closely with the budgetary constraints and fiscal responsibilities of government agencies. This alignment ensures that services remain financially sustainable, justifiable to taxpayers, and contribute to overall fiscal responsibility. By setting prices that are reasonable and transparent, service providers can optimize their cost-to-serve within the context of public funding.

2. Transparency as a Foundation for Trust and Accountability.

Transparency is a cornerstone in the public sector, and strategic pricing plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing it. Clearly communicating the cost breakdown of services builds trust with government agencies and the public. Transparent pricing practices not only justify costs, but also demonstrate accountability. Establishing trust through transparency is essential for fostering positive relationships with stakeholders and ensuring that the cost-to-serve is perceived as fair and reasonable.

3. Incentivizing Efficiency, Innovation, and Competition.

Strategic pricing empowers public sector service providers to incentivize efficiency, innovation, and healthy competition. By adopting flexible pricing structures that reward effectiveness and quality, providers can drive continuous improvement in service delivery. This innovation leads to streamlined processes, reduced administrative overheads, and ultimately lowers the cost-to-serve. Moreover, promoting healthy competition based on value and innovation ensures that services are delivered more efficiently and effectively, benefiting both service providers and the government agencies they serve.

AI Corner

What Should I Look For When Choosing An AI Solution?

“The half-life of technology is so fast, it’s a full-time job to track which companies are keeping pace and investing in continual development – we run to the AI COE to carry this burden for you.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting

Questions To Consider

  • Is the technology outdated or about to be eclipsed?
  • Is the technology patented or will they be put out of business?
  • Is the company financially solvent or will they go out of business?
  • Is the company investing to evolve the product?

Culture Corner

Proposals, Parties, and Present Shopping – Oh My!

“Proposals, parties, and present shopping – oh my! It’s a busy time of year for everyone but especially for proposal people. The pressure of deadlines combined with holiday commitments can make us stressed. We are expected to be everywhere and do everything. Often, we have to choose between work and family during this season. So, make sure to be in the moment for whatever you are doing. If you have to write that section before you go to the party, be in writer mode. If you’re at the school play, be in family mode. It might be tough but you will be happier. So plan your time, choose your task, and leave the rest for later. Your present is being present!”

Angela Marsh ~ SVP, Org. Development, Hinz Consulting

Success Stories


“In supporting the INSCOM G3 Training Support project, our dedicated team, led by a skilled Basis of Estimate Consultant, successfully crafted a comprehensive bid that not only exceeded a $100M valuation but also showcased our commitment to precision in technical solutions and proposal writing.”

~Hinz Consulting


  • Scope of Work (SOW): The bid focuses on providing training and support services for intelligence-gathering methods (SIGINT, HUMINT, etc.) at Army bases globally.
  • Methodology and Approach: Utilizing an updated staffing model based on analogous estimating techniques, the consultant seamlessly integrated the RFP details, technical solution components, and staffing matrix into a 31-page Basis of Estimate (BOE) and a 27-page technical volume.
  • Efficiency and Defensibility: By selecting a client BOE template, aligning it with the RFP scope, and employing analogous estimating for each Contract Line Item Number (CLIN), we not only delivered a defendable estimate but also streamlined the proposal process, earning appreciation from the client for our consultant’s invaluable contribution and dedication.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Sight Volume 5

Hinz Sight Volume 5

Unlock the secrets of government contracting with ‘Hinz Sight’—your weekly lookout post for industry foresight. Stay ahead of the curve as we decode the latest trends and tech, ensuring your vision is always 20/20. Subscribe for your Thursday thought-leadership treat, and never miss a beat in the competitive landscape of government bids.

Insider Insights

“In an era where technology constantly evolves, the question of whether we should let artificial intelligence (AI) communicate with the internet is both relevant and complex. This article explores the potential benefits and risks associated with allowing AI to engage in conversations with the vast digital landscape.”

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting


As we navigate the digital age, the integration of artificial intelligence into various aspects of our lives has become increasingly prevalent. One intriguing and pressing question that arises is the extent to which we want AI to communicate with the internet. To answer this, we must consider the potential advantages and the inherent risks that come with allowing AI systems to interact with the vast repository of information on the web.

Competitive Intelligence and Pricing

Maximizing Perceived Customer Value Vs. Price

Key Takeaways

Customer-Centric Approach

Prioritize understanding and aligning with customer needs and priorities to effectively tailor your proposal. A customer-centric approach lays the foundation for a value proposition that resonates with the client’s objectives.

 Effective Differentiation

Stand out from competitors by highlighting unique features, innovative solutions, or value-added services. Effective differentiation contributes to an enhanced perceived value, reinforcing the idea that your offering goes beyond meeting basic specifications.

Strategic Pricing and Relationship Building

Employ strategic pricing models that offer cost savings without compromising quality. Additionally, invest in relationship building to create a positive perception of your company. Trust and reliability contribute significantly to maximizing the perceived value and justify the price customers are willing to pay.

AI Corner


“AI Tools that access the Internet for generating content are great for evolving your business and stimulating new ideas, but generated content will not effectively represent your unique company Product or Service offering.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

  • Innovation and Idea Stimulation:AI tools accessing the internet for content generation play a crucial role in fostering innovation within businesses. By tapping into vast repositories of information, these tools stimulate new ideas, pushing companies to evolve and adapt.
  • Limitations in Representation:Despite their merits, AI-generated content faces limitations in authentically representing the nuanced and distinctive aspects of a company’s product or service offerings. The uniqueness and intricacies of individual business propositions may not be accurately captured by automated content generation.
  • The Uniqueness Dilemma:AI tools, while proficient in processing vast amounts of data, may struggle to encapsulate the unique value propositions that set a company apart. The essence of what makes a product or service distinctive may be lost in the automated content creation process.

Culture Corner

Why Is It Important To Apologize At Work?

“Have you ever had to make an “Uh-Oh phone call?” You know the one that starts with “Hey, I screwed up.” Just this past week, I made AND received one of those calls. It happens – well, mistakes happen but people don’t always take accountability. Studies show that the best leaders hold themselves and others accountable. When we lead by example, it elevates everyone.

At Hinz, we strive to create an environment where it is easier to be vulnerable. We are forgiving and understand that failures are simply building blocks to success. This crucial for innovation and collaboration. Luckily, we can learn about the art of an apology for when we inevitably stumble.”

Angela Marsh ~ SVP, Org. Development, Hinz Consulting

From The Vault


“This project exemplifies our commitment to strategic collaboration, adaptability in the face of change, and the lasting partnerships we build.”

– Hinz Consulting


  • Strategic Nexus: Hinz served as a pivotal link for the development of the Performance Work Statement (PWS), seamlessly connecting technical aspects, management sections, and solution metrics across 12 Army locations.
  • Adaptive Expertise: Faced with significant amendments in requirements, the Hinz consultant demonstrated remarkable adaptability. Her ability to integrate changes into the PWS and overarching documentation ensured a compliant and compelling response to evolving needs.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Sight Volume 4

Hinz Sight Volume 4

Unlock the secrets of the proposal industry with ‘Hinz Sight’—your weekly lookout post for industry foresight. Stay ahead of the curve as we decode the latest trends and tech, ensuring your vision is always 20/20. Subscribe for your Thursday thought-leadership treat, and never miss a beat in the landscape of competitive bidding.

Insider Insights

Isolating Sensitive Information From Public AI Data

“Isolating sensitive information from public AI data is crucial for protecting corporate secrets. Here are some strategies to enhance the isolation of sensitive information.”

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting

Strategies To Enhance The Isolation Of Sensitive Information

  1. Data Segmentation
  2. Anonymization and Pseudonymization
  3. Private Cloud or On-Premises Solutions
  4. Homomorphic Encryption
  5. Federated Learning
  6. Secure Data Transmission
  7. Vendor Assessment
  8. Data Residency and Jurisdiction
  9. Regular Audits and Monitoring
  10. Policy and Compliance Measures
  11. Employee Training
  12. Dynamic Access Controls

Culture Corner

“At Hinz we value people who are “Smart Creatives” – a term used at Google to describe their ideal employee. These are folks who are technical experts, use data to make decisions, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and like to get their hands dirty. They are resourceful, intelligent, collaborative, and innovative. We are proud of the culture we’ve created that attracts and celebrates such traits. Hinzers are the smartest, most creative group of people to be around and they make our industry better every day!”

Angela Marsh ~ SVP, Org. Development, Hinz Consulting

AI Corner


“Many companies have considered corporate search engines to help employees find information, a great idea that lasted a year, the KM search engine concept has already been eclipsed by a real tech leap… Domain Aware Generative AI – search, compare, and generate unique text… 3x the ROI of your tech investment.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting

Helping Clients

At Hinz Consulting, we redefine the pace of project execution through innovative approaches and advanced technologies. With a focus on efficiency and precision, we set a new industry standard for prompt and impeccable responses, ensuring our clients stand out in the competitive landscape.

Competitive Intelligence and Pricing

Improving PWin By Integrating Strategic Pricing And Competitive Intelligence

“The integration of strategic pricing and competitive intelligence can be a catalyst for increasing a company’s win probability (pWin). Informed decision-making, value-based competition, and agile responsiveness are key takeaways. This dynamic synergy not only enhances pWin, but also positions companies strategically in the ever-evolving landscape of market competition.”

Chris Placzek ~ SVP, Pricing Services, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

  •  Informed Decision-Making: The integration of strategic pricing and competitive intelligence empowers companies to make informed decisions. By analyzing market conditions, customer behavior, and real-time competitive data, companies can strategically set prices, respond to market changes, and position themselves effectively. Informed decision-making becomes a key driver in improving pWin, as companies can navigate the competitive landscape with agility and precision. 
  • Value-Based Competition: The combination of strategic pricing and competitive intelligence enables companies to engage in value-based competition. Understanding competitors’ pricing strategies allows companies to differentiate their offerings based on perceived value, aligning prices with customer expectations. This value-centric approach not only enhances the attractiveness of products or services but also establishes a unique market position, contributing to improved pWin. 
  • Agility and Responsiveness: The ability to adapt to market dynamics and competitors’ moves is a critical takeaway from the integration of strategic pricing and competitive intelligence. Companies that leverage these tools can be agile and responsive, adjusting pricing strategies in real-time to meet changing customer needs and outmaneuver competitors. This agility is a key factor in improving pWin, as it ensures that a company’s offerings remain competitive and aligned with the dynamic nature of the market. 

From The Vault


“From vision to victory, Hinz played a pivotal role in the U.S. Army Contracting Command – Rock Island (ACC-RI) Architecture, Operations, Networks, and Space (AONS) Support Services project. Our dedicated Management Lead seamlessly transitioned to tackle the Technical Volume, contributing to a comprehensive overhaul that impressed even the toughest Red Team scrutiny.

– Hinz Consulting


  • Strategic Transformation: Hinz Consulting spearheaded a strategic transformation in the U.S. Army Contracting Command – Rock Island (ACC-RI) AONS Support Services project, seamlessly transitioning from Management Lead to driving a complete overhaul of the 90+ page Technical Volume, ensuring alignment with HQDA CIO/G-6 AONS Directorate standards.
  • Agile Collaboration: With an undisclosed bid value but an extensive bid size of 113 pages, our consultant worked hand-in-hand with the Senior Capture Manager and Proposal Manager to rewrite and enhance the entire Technical Volume. The agile collaboration resulted in a document that withstood rigorous Red Team scrutiny and moved efficiently through the Gold Team review.
  • Continued Excellence: Hinz Consulting’s impactful contributions extended beyond project completion. Recognized for our expertise, we were enlisted to support future endeavors, reflecting the enduring trust in our abilities to navigate complex requirements and deliver exceptional results.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of competitive bidding. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Volume 3

Hinz Volume 3

Insider Insights

Why is it called Generative AI?

The key benefit of “Generative AI” is that it creates something new – AI will only recycle what exists. Generative AI uses probability in various ways to generate content and make decisions.  Isaac Asimov wrote that AI is “Logical, not reasonable” which I believe is a critical insight to remember. Generative AI might be unreasonable, but at least it’s far more interesting!

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting


  • Generative AI has a unique ability to create new content, distinguishing it from other AI models that recognize patterns or perform specific tasks. This generative nature extends into multiple modes, including images, text, and music, showcasing its role as a creative contributor.
  • The term ‘Generative’ underscores a level of creative autonomy within these models, highlighting their capacity to produce outputs learned from training data.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), a class of machine learning models, play a crucial role in refining and improving the generative capabilities. They employ a generator-discriminator adversarial process. We’ll discuss this in future editions.

Culture Corner

“Happy Thanksgiving! In the spirit of the holiday, we’d like to express our gratitude for the incredible teams and colleagues that make our workplace special. Take a moment today to count your blessings because every bit of teamwork deserves acknowledgment. Let’s collectively celebrate the power of appreciating one another. Wishing you a season filled with gratitude!”

Angela Marsh ~ SVP, Org. Development, Hinz Consulting

Leveraging Generative AI To Enhance Your Competitive Intelligence Practice


“Generative AI revolutionizes competitive intelligence by automating data processes, predicting market trends, and streamlining competitor profiling. With advanced natural language processing, it offers a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape, empowering organizations to make proactive decisions and adapt their go-to-market strategies in constantly changing markets.”

Chris Placzek ~ SVP, Pricing Services, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

  •  Enhanced Automation and Efficiency. Generative AI significantly enhances the automation of competitive intelligence processes. By leveraging advanced natural language processing capabilities, these models efficiently process vast amounts of unstructured data from diverse sources, which provides organizations with a quicker and more robust understanding of the competitive landscape.
  •  Predictive Insights for Proactive Decision-Making. The predictive capabilities of generative AI, enable organizations to make proactive decisions. By simulating potential competitor responses and dynamically adjusting pricing strategies based on real-time market dynamics, organizations can anticipate challenges and mitigate them.
  • Holistic Competitor Profiling and Strategic Adaptation. Generative AI facilitates comprehensive competitor profiling by automatically analyzing financial reports, press releases, and online content. This automated profiling equips organizations with a deeper understanding of competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, and strategic priorities.

AI Corner


“As a team, AI’s the calculator and you’re the creative empathizer. Generative AI can write 1000 words 10x faster than you can. It also reads through 45,000 documents in the company library in the same minute. Using AI means you can take back your weekend!”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting


“At Hinz Consulting, we thrive on transforming challenges into triumphs. Our dedicated 9-person team seamlessly executed a $200M bid for the Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center, delivering a compelling and fully compliant proposal that sets a new standard for excellence in government contracting.”

~Hinz Consulting


  • Comprehensive Proposal Team: Hinz deployed a dedicated 9-person team, including a Proposal Manager, Coordinator, Writers, Graphics, DTP, and Production, showcasing a commitment to excellence in assembling a robust proposal for the Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center task order.
  • Strategic Bid Enhancement: Faced with a challenging task order valued at approximately $200M, Hinz successfully transformed the client’s previous poorly reviewed bids for professional armed guard services into a compelling case.
  • Exceptional Outcome: Hinz’s efforts resulted in the delivery of a higher quality, fully compliant, and compelling proposal. The improved submission significantly outperformed the client’s previous bids in internal reviews, affirming the team’s ability to elevate the client’s position in the competitive landscape of government contracting for the Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center task order.

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Volume 2

Hinz Volume 2

Insider Insight

Why you should invest into Artificial Intelligence now.

“In the next few months, companies will be selecting a corporately hosted AI service. It’s either that or be left behind. Security, efficiency, and the risk of revealing trade secrets will force this process. Understanding the risk and ROI of each solution will be key to success over the next years.”

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

Better / Faster / Cheaper: AI in proposals speeds up creation, sharpens accuracy, and tailors content to clinch government contracts.

Team Empowerment: AI offloads routine tasks, enabling teams to focus on strategy and storytelling for impactful bids.

Improved Results: Leverage AI’s analytical prowess for bid optimization and business development insights with Hinz Consulting’s expert services.

Read More Here

Competitive Intelligence and Pricing

Utilizing Generative AI Transforms Pricing Strategy

“AI offers a transformative approach to optimizing revenue and profitability”

Chris Placzek ~ SVP, Pricing Services, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

Data-Driven Pricing Decisions: Generative AI analyzes customer behavior, competitor pricing, and market trends to provide data-driven, responsive pricing recommendations, enhancing revenue and profitability.

Dynamic Scenario Analysis: This technology enables dynamic pricing, personalized offers, and simulates various pricing scenarios, offering insights into the potential financial impact of different strategies.

Operational Efficiency and Strategic Focus: By automating pricing decisions, generative AI allows companies to quickly adapt to market changes, improving competitiveness and customer satisfaction, while freeing up resources for strategic planning and innovation.

Read more Here

AI Corner


“The average person makes 170 errors while typing a thousand words, Generative AI makes 0. Everyone will benefit from AI: Employees, Customers, and Shareholders.”

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, Hinz AI COE, Hinz Consulting

Key Takeaways

AI enhances the precision and personalization of proposals, ensuring high-quality submissions that are free of errors and tailored to specific RFPs.

Read More Here

From the Vault

National Maintenance Strategy, Afghanistan – TACOM

“Hinz supplied an SME with experience with Afghanistan bids involving training and staffing with extensive proposal expertise.”

~Hinz Consulting


Strategic Capability Building: Hinz Consulting played a pivotal role in a $1 billion, 5-year Maintenance and Training Program aimed at achieving self-sustainment for the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces’ extensive fleet of over 43,000 wheeled vehicles and ground equipment​​.

Complex Proposal Mastery: The project featured a demanding RFP with 747 individual CLINs, each requiring a unique Basis of Estimate and narrative, expertly navigated by Hinz to develop over 3500 pages of precise BOE narrative​​.

Expertise and Excellence Recognition: Hinz’s subject matter expert (SME) was integral to the development of a comprehensive 1700-FTE staffing solution, earning high praise for their invaluable contributions to the proposal and briefing processes​​.

Read More Here

As we wrap up this edition of ‘Hinz Sight,’ we thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of government contracting. Remember, hindsight is not about looking back—it’s about moving forward with the clarity and confidence gained from our shared insights.

Warm regards,

The Hinz Consulting Team

Hinz Sight Newsletter Vol. 1

Hinz Sight Newsletter Vol. 1

HINZ Sight

Where insights into government contracting are always 20/20

Updates sent out every Thursday at 1:00PM EST

Welcome to the inaugural issue of “Hinz Sight,” the weekly dispatch from Hinz Consulting, where insights into government contracting are always 20/20.

Why You’re Here: You’re receiving Hinz Sight because you’re part of the Hinz Consulting community. As a valued contact, we believe you’ll benefit from the exclusive content, industry analysis, and expert perspectives that we’ll be sharing.

Dan Marsh ~ Co-Chairman, Hinz Consulting

“We are all competimates in this unique industry. Together we face immediate change in how technology shapes our world. This evolution will continue for years.

Hinz Sight will be interesting to those that take advantage of these changes. Everyone in our industry is about winning. Are you ready to excel in the evolving landscape of government procurement? With Hinz Sight, we aim to empower our community with interesting insights, strategic foresight, and a deeper understanding of these dynamics.”

The Hinz Sight Mission: To illuminate the path to winning government contracts and embrace the transformative power of emerging technologies.

Len Miller ~ CEO, Hinz Consulting

“We have a fascinating business and community! With Hinz Sight, we want to develop a place that everyone in our industry can call home – representing ideas, challenges, changes, and stories we all recognize.
Please let me know if you would like to support our weekly conversation, or if you have feedback or questions.
We can’t wait to get started!“

Your Subscription Perks:

  • Insider Insights: Stay ahead with our deep dives into the evolving landscape of federal procurement, growth strategies, and market trends.
  • AI Corner: Explore how emerging technologies are revolutionizing fast, high quality, and secure content creation for all aspects of your business:
  • Proposals
  • Capture
  • Pricing
  • Culture
  • Marketing
  • and more!

Success Stories: Learn from our wins and how we’ve helped clients secure pivotal contracts.

Expertise at Your Fingertips: Gain from the collective wisdom of our seasoned executives like Len Miller, Brittany Dillon, Mark Beha, Michaela Rohrbach, Chris Placzek, Bridget Elero, and Josh Thiel.

Bridget Elero ~Director, AI Center of Excellence, Hinz Consulting

“Generative AI is giving Hinz proposal experts and our clients the unique ability to access artifacts required for a first pink team draft. This is giving teams more time to create the finishing components that WIN proposals”

Control Your Subscription: Your time and inbox are sacred. If you wish to unsubscribe, you’ll find an option at the bottom of this email—no hard feelings, we promise.

Josh Thiel ~ SVP, AI Center of Excellence, Hinz Consulting

“In our age, we can super empower every human with AI. At Hinz, we are dedicated to guiding the human and AI handshake to ensure security and fully optimize the new capability at hand.“

Timing is Everything: Expect Hinz Sight in your inbox every Thursday at 1:00 PM EST, starting with this warm welcome.

We’re here to provide clarity, augment your knowledge, and keep you informed—because when you succeed, we succeed.

Welcome aboard!

The Hinz Consulting Team